Yellowjackets in Juniper Bush

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    I have a large, ~8 ft in diameter, juniper bush in my back yard right next to my patio. In the past few days, I’ve noticed an increase in yellowjackets in my yard. Today, their numbers seem to have exploded, and they seem to be in the greatest numbers near the large juniper. Since it is so close to my patio, and I have a young son who I had to keep from running barefoot in the yard today due to the very large number of yellowjackets cruising in the grass, I would like to remove them.


    The problem is, the juniper is so large, and I’m not sure where the nest is inside it, or if I can even get to it. All the online sites giving advice on how to get rid of a nest require knowing exactly where it is and having access to the opening. I don’t care about the juniper (I’d actually love to replace it with something else). Does anyone have any recommendations for me–either for me to get rid of the yellowjackets myself, or someone I could hire to do so?



    I can think of no reason why yellow jackets would be attracted to a juniper; it’s highly unlikely that the juniper has anything to do with wasps seeming to congregate there. It is possible that they have a ground nest under or near the juniper. Whatever you do, don’t start spraying. At best, you’ll stir them up and have a bigger problem on your hands.

    For an expert opinion and an intelligent, IPM approach, you can’t do better than to call John at Adept Pest Management. If you’re able to search Forum topics, you’ll find a lot of raves about John.

    Good luck.

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