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    Sorry. His name is Mark Levin. He is on from 6-8pm on KTTH. WABC in NY has this lineup. Rush, Hannity, and Levin. His style is similar to Michael Savage but very different in context. Although different they both claim to be conservative. He yells, screams, and makes fun of people. Many Seattlites would find his show repugnant, but I like it.



    Hey, c’mon! Doesn’t that title belong to Wayne Gretzky?


    Ohhh, dontcha know ya might be right, eh? Whoops, Sorry, I must apologize for sterotyping Canadians. Please accept my sincerest apology. To make up for my gaff I will be booking a Christmas trip on the Clipper to Victoria to do a little shopping and have tea at the Empress. Actually, I do like going to Victoria before Christmas and shopping with my wife. And if the weather is too bad for the return trip you get 50 percent off on the next trip.


    House (and NR), we need to find out where the Rossi (and possibly) McCain victory parties are. Funny thing about all of these polls. They are usually wrong! Exit polls, CNN polls, Barber Pole. Just joking. They were wrong the last few elections. Gore and Kerry had it in the bag. OK, popular vote did go to to one of those guys (It’s an inconveniant truth that I just can’t remember which one). Let’s play political poker. Kennedy victory over Nixon hand (Can you say Mayor Daly(sic) Voting Scandal) vs Bush over Gore (Hanging Chads) hand. I say we are even. Don’t bust a nut or an ACORN over the next hand of Gregoire over Rossi…. who will win this time? I’m betting on Rossi. Next, the windy city has the Cubs (loveable losers), and hopefully Illinois’ favorite son BO and Delaware’s finest JB will blow it. I really would hate to see a Obama presidency with a super majority in the house and senate. Supposedly I am bitter. The One did say it. “And it’s not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.”

    But… I just don’t feel that way or at least I am not bitter, but I am not an Elitest either. Actually I am proud of our country, community and friends. If I am wrong we can fix a bit of this in 2010, if it isn’t too late. As Ozzy Osborne says “Good Night!, We Love You ALL”



    Godwins law FAIL



    I am sure there are plenty of blogs that would welcome Hitler’s hate speech – however, this is not one of them. Anytime you quote Hitler, you throw away whatever tiny little shred of credibility you had left. And anyone who supports your hate speech is just the same.



    Since JenV stated this, I’ll speak directly to her going forward.

    The point of my quote was twofold. 1) The obvious, which is that someone that has bad intentions can easily sway the masses through emotions rather than concrete, fact based reasoning. In this Presidential campaign, Obama has done just that. He has put on a brilliant marketing campaign without any true substance. In fact, he is equally vulerable to attack as Sarah Palin (who is only running for VP), but has put together such a God-like following that he could say anything and the masses would believe. That leads me to….2) The majority of Obama supporters can’t tell you how Obama will make things different, they only recite the 1t grade word of “Change” and that he will be “better than Bush”. Those are very vague terms and easily tossed around. The bottom line is that re believes in taxing people that have worked very hard for their $$$ and reward people that have not contributed to the system as much. That my, dear friend is just the tip of the iceberg of something called SOCIALISM. Something I vehemently oppose. I will support plenty of non-profits and charities on my own, I don’t want the government to force me to do so.

    Don’t be an Obamabot. Research.



    On behalf of fairness, I’d like to point out that there are R’s and conservatives with whom one can have logical arguments and debates. The folks who post here are atypical. I might even use the “S” word. (Pick one.) That, in large part, is why it seldom seems like a fair fight.



    Personal attack….believe me, charlabob, I’ve wanted to pick you apart, could pick you apart and did pick you apart in person.

    People in glass houses……



    My goodness. The egos here are getting a little out of control.



    What makes you think I haven’t researched, Haus? What ego drives you so much that you think you are the only informed voter out there and that only your choice is right – and if we don’t march in lockstep with you we are wrong? That’s idiotic thinking right there. I am not an “Obamabot” – I have done my research- and he is the best candidate for me because I believe in fairness, equality – and I would – just for once – like a president who is actually more intelligent than me. You can go ahead and drink McCain Koolaid, or pop Rush Limbaugh’s pills – whatever gets you thru the night- but using quotes from a hatemonger really just proves exactly deep down who you really are. A long while back I called you a racist and an elitist – and you have proven me right tenfold.

    At this point, I just hope Obama wins so people like you shut the hell up.



    In the interest of House’s desire to be educated. From Factcheck:

    Spread the Tax Hooey!

    New GOP ads recycle old, debunked claims about Obama’s tax plan.


    Right Change Is Wrong

    A conservative group misleads voters mightily on Obama’s tax plans for small businesses.


    Obama’s “Welfare”

    McCain calls Obama’s refundable tax credits “welfare,” but calls his own “reform.”


    There He Goes Again

    McCain ad misrepresents Obama’s tax plan. Again.


    More Tax Deception

    McCain misrepresents Obama’s tax proposals again. And again, and again.




    McCainobots don’t listen to actual facts, JT- just tired buzzwords because they don’t have anything else to rely on. We’re wasting our breath with Little Hitler and his cohorts here.



    Yes, interesting that Obama is vague, but all republicans do is run around screaming taxes and socialist. How’s that campaign strategy working out for you? It seems a lot of voters have taken the time to educate themselves.



    More than any election in recent history that I can remember. People aren’t stupid for the most part. Republicans seem to believe that if you repeat something often enough, it makes it true- rather then relying on those pesky little facts.



    “Personal attack….believe me, charlabob, I’ve wanted to pick you apart, could pick you apart and did pick you apart in person.”

    and quoting Hitler to boot? House, your posts have taken on an uncomfortable, violent undertone with me. Is your anger really all about politics? If so, maybe you should go back to your earlier plan of disengaging in the political threads. Frankly, it’s creepy.



    Personally if you are still throwing around asnine terms like socialism out there it is quite obvious that you have not done any research nor ever edcuated yourself on what socialism is so please step off down from the soap box and go do some research. It is pure ignorance to associate Obama as a socialist.



    Since the thread started with a quote, let’s add a few more.

    Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.

    — John Adams

    Advocates of capitalism are very apt to appeal to the sacred principles of liberty, which are embodied in one maxim: The fortunate must not be restrained in the exercise of tyranny over the unfortunate.

    –Bertrand Russell (1872-1970), British philosopher, mathematician. Sceptical Essays, “Freedom in Society” (1928).



    JT – yay for factcheck. I hate to rely so heavily on one website but I really think everyone should go there before voting.



    GHO, don’t worry about House. Idle threats. He keeps claiming he can prove all of us wrong too. And yet……





    before i wade into the mess this thread has become…

    “Don’t eat the rubber cement and then pick your nose though – they aren’t foolin’ about the cement. “

    You are going to kill me girl… second day in a row i have started with a laughter induced asthma attack…

    keep it coming… i can’t think of a better way to go.



    LOL! Sorry about the asthma, I feel you.



    Ken… thanks for both quotes….


    for those too impatient to read the Bertrand Russel quote to the end.. i would like to repeat the telling line…

    “The fortunate must not be restrained in the exercise of tyranny over the unfortunate.”

    if you look at a breakdown of McCain’s tax plan, you will find that it includes an increase in taxes for anyone making less than $150,000.

    Spreading the wealth around is exactly what the republicans have been up to.. and apparently intend to escalate if John wins the election.

    You wouldn’t think that there is that much left to get out of the lower classes….all of us paying taxes on less than $150,000 … that’s after deductions…

    but heck, maybe they have figured out how to get blood from a stone after all…


    As for those 401Ks .. have you checked yours lately? .. because ours took a real nose dive with the latest shenanigans orchestrated by those who have been busy the last 4 years spreading the wealth around…

    and we invested in foreign markets too… to try to temper some of the bloodbath we saw coming in our domestic markets…

    they did a really good job.

    Unfortunately 99% of America wasn’t on the receiving end of any of that spread.

    There is now less in the 401K than we put there.

    It would have gained more in a christmas club savings plan. It still wouldn’t have kept up with inflation.. but it wouldn’t have defeated like the balloon it was either.

    I can see why you want those guys taking care of your money… well.. if you had money you would…

    any trillionaires in your family ready to cork off and leave it all to you?



    OK – I can’t believe that I’m actually going to jump in on this one, but here goes……

    House – believe it or not, I got your quote and its’ implications. As a history teacher, I often discuss with my students what a master manipulator/politician Hitler was and that his rallies, colors, signage, uniforms, etc… were meant to generate extreme nationalism, which is based on emotion and is meant to manipulate the masses (in this case manipulate them into putting Nazis & Hitler into power – legally by the way).

    I challenge my students to put themselves in 1930’s Germany – where the Depression is roaring and German nationalism is in the toilet because of their defeat in WWI, reparations that Germany couldn’t pay, and destruction of their infrastructure. I then ask my students if they were young Germans and were given fancy uniforms, pay, and made to feel like you are God’s only chosen race – would they choose to be young Nazi’s screaming their heads off at a Nazi rally? Most of them, in that context, said yes – they would be caught up in the emotion of the times and would have been right in the middle of the mix. That was the mastery of the Nazi’s plan – pull people up by their emotions, not by their brains, and they will go along willingly. But the credit for most of that goes to Goebels, Hess and others advisors of Hitler, not necessarily to Hitler himself, whose ego-maniacal wishes were just uber-put into action by those closest to him.

    HOWEVER, with that said, your attempt to analogize Obama’s campaign with that of Hitler’s is pathetic and definitely out of historical context (see above). Obama is not manipulating people emotionally by playing on their sense of extreme nationalism nor is he thumbing his nose at the rest of the world to justify the need for his power. In reality, the emotion that is displayed at Obama rallies is not generated by the Obama campaign staff – it’s more of a populist movement that is excited at the prospect of something new and different after 8 years of torture and mismanagement at the hands of the Republicans. That’s a totally different scenario than the manipulation of emotions sought by the Nazi party.

    The fact that you can equate Hitler’s demonstrations of extreme nationalism and manipulation of the German people to Obama’s campaign is telling of your political philosophy in general. In the U.S. – both parties have for many years attempted to sway the masses with colors, symbols, music, signage, etc…… but that is a far cry from the nationalistic brainwashing that Hitler and his regime pushed on the German people prior to WWII.

    As for WSB’rs that responded in horror – we vilify Hitler and his regime in history and for appropriate reasons. However, it is not necessary (IMO) to react so vehemently every time a quote from Hitler or reference to him is made. It is appropriate to examine what one leader has done and said so that we don’t repeat horrible mistakes – but we also must accept that the tactics used by the Nazis were “brilliant” for their time and if you look at FDR rallies at the same time (Hitler & FDR came to power in the same year) you will see many similar elements and those elements continue in US campaigns today – on both sides!

    So House – I’m not going to call you German names or equate you with Hitler, because I got the implication of your quote. I just vehemently disagree with your attempt to analogize Hitler’s use of emotions/nationlism with Obama’s emotional appeal to his base. Just not even close to the same thing.

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