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September 27, 2008 at 12:08 am #588196
AnonymousInactiveI know that I miss kayleigh’s point of view….
I know a couple of members here got to know Kayleigh personally (or in real life), so I’m just wondering why she doesn’t post anymore??
On that note, where is House? Another great point of view who I (and I’m not the only one) miss.
Come back!!!
September 27, 2008 at 12:17 am #641335
cruiserMemberKayleigh posted earlier on the homepage re nickelsville.
September 27, 2008 at 5:12 am #641336
TheHouseMemberNewRes, what’s up? Hope you and your boyfriend (I forget his name, but I thought he was a trip) are doing well.
After many spirited debates with the some old hypocrites on this board, I finally realized what one person once stated is true. Debating on here is like banging two bricks together…it will never accomplish anything. The hypocrisy of me being accused of personal attacks and others personally attacking me being allowed, put a bitter taste in my mouth as well.
I still read most of the posts on this blog, but I’ve found that a white male, under 40, married with children, happy in life, without any physical, mental or sexual disfunction really doesn’t have a place on this forum.
I’ve decided to use WSB for what I originally used it for before they started forums. A place where I can find out about new restaurants and businesses.
There were many of you that I enjoyed bantering back and forth with and was delighted to meet you all in person (even the opposition, JoB, Jan and Charla). I completely disagree with 95% of you on here, but I respect your passion.
Since I’ve rediscovered Facebook and a few other sites, I spend more of my time there. Who knows, perhaps I’ll feel inspired to argue with the Obamabots once again one day?
September 27, 2008 at 6:33 am #641337
HunterGParticipantObamabots, that’s actually pretty funny – even for a supporter.
September 27, 2008 at 3:33 pm #641338
JimmyGMemberHey House, glad to know you’re still around.
It was me that mentioned discussing politics here is like banging 2 bricks together. Yet I’m still posting on WSB, though I don’t participate in the political discussions very often.
I mostly hang on another forum where both sides can take what they dish out.
September 27, 2008 at 4:40 pm #641339
AnonymousInactiveHouse, glad you and your family are doing well. You probably made a wise decision that some of us other blog addicts are just not quite ready to make. A visit from you now and then is always nice though. Enjoy your perspective.
The double standards have not gone away, but not all of us obamabots agree with them. Take care.
September 27, 2008 at 4:53 pm #641340
ErikParticipantHouse – You don’t have to talk to us on-line. But you could show up at West Seattle Bowl on Oct. 12th @ 3:00 and throw some heavy rolling objects with the rest of us. 8-)
September 27, 2008 at 6:01 pm #641341
JayDeeParticipantDear House:
I miss your POV as well; I consider myself a democrat when it comes to voting, but would likely be a Country Club republican if that species still existed–Fiscally conservative and moderate social views. I too enjoy arguing, but can see why you pulled out.
I picked up a new iPod last week with wi-fi capability and was riding a bus through the Admiral area, watching the various wi-fi networks roll by when I got “The House” network and wondered if it was your signal (prudently secure too) and that reminded me that I hadn’t seen any recent posts. Glad to hear you are still here in spirit.
September 27, 2008 at 6:22 pm #641342
soclwrkrinmotnMemberthe House: never agreed with you on much, but I have to say I missed your presence on the blog. Even your insults–speaking as one who was the recipient more than once–I found pretty d*** amusing. (And this is the second time I have admitted this.)
Being as I get tired of the personal mudslinging I see on this blog, I post less and less. (But like JT, I have not stopped completely.)
Kayleigh, you have my e-mail. Email me! Would like to hang out with you again.
September 27, 2008 at 9:34 pm #641343
AnonymousInactiveHouse – So great to hear from!
Yeah, my guy is still a trip, everyday! lol.
I completely understand where you are coming from regarding the double standard that abounds on this forum. I see it daily, even when I’m not personally involved.
You probably won’t be too surprised to hear that 4 emails sent to the editors of WSB inquiring about this double standard, have gone completely unanswered. Completely ignored.
I’m glad that you have found other places to visit, but I feel a little jealous that other forums get your intelligent thoughts, quick wit and insightful perspectives. Too bad that a few bad apples ran you off (although, I understand your bitter taste).
Oh, well, glad that you’re still lurking, at least. Anytime you care to share a thought, it’s obvious that it would be much appreciated.
September 27, 2008 at 11:09 pm #641344
JanSParticipantwhile we’re all gushing over The House, I might point out that having a different opinion, or perspective on things, does not necessarily a “bad apple” make…just a thought…that goes for both sides…
September 27, 2008 at 11:11 pm #641345
JanSParticipantand, Hose…if you show up for bowling on the 12th..I think Lanes 15-21 have been snagged, don’t know if there may be an open spot at any of them..but, you can reserve online for that day fer nuthin’…the more the merrier..although I don’t think your kids are quite at the bowling age yet? Or you could just come and join us hecklers…a day of fun, no serious discussions :)
September 27, 2008 at 11:29 pm #641346
TraciMemberHouse, we were just talking about you the other day during the knitting group. You added a lot of spark to the forums and it was good to read. Totally understand why you backed out of them though, internet debating (fighting) just gets pointless.
September 28, 2008 at 3:00 am #641347
JanSParticipantsorry, House…I just noticed that I called you Hose, and I can’t edit anymore. My apologies :)
September 28, 2008 at 6:37 am #641348
AnonymousInactive“while we’re all gushing over The House…” – JanS
You know JanS, House was very respectful to you in his post.
No one is “gushing” over anyone, I started a thread wondering where certain “regulars” had gone because I hadn’t noticed them posting in awhile.
Seems the consensus is that EVERYONE misses the House’s point of view on here.
No, a different opinion does not make a person a “bad apple”, but constant personal attacking, swearing and down-right lack of tact does. I know exactly what House is talking about and I’m pretty sure just about everyone else here does too.
September 28, 2008 at 7:02 am #641349
CaitParticipantNR, even from the other side of the political fence I know how you feel. It gets pretty rough in here when people don’t know what they’re talking about, are disrespectful or argue just for the sake of arguing. I miss House and I would miss many of the conservative viewpoints on here if they left. I wouldn’t gain much from just bouncing my views off of like minded people. What I don’t miss is the disrespect and condescension that I have felt in the past. IF we could keep the personal or unnecessarily rude comments out of the forum I don’t think we’d have to wonder what happened to our neighbors with differing views. I say that knowing I’ve bordered on crossing on that line in the past, but I’ve been trying for my part to be better so that we can all feel welcome. :) House, it would be great to see you back sometime.
September 29, 2008 at 4:51 am #641350
TheHouseMemberI really appreciate the kind words from everyone above, it’s rather humbling.
I’ve been biting my tongue for so long that there isn’t anything left of it, so who knows…I might chime in now and again.
I might make it to the bowling alley as well, just to drink if nothing else.
September 29, 2008 at 6:25 am #641351
JanSParticipantNR…I didn’t mean anything negative about our friend The House. I’m so sorry you misunderstood and read that into it. I didn’t realize that you were that touchy about things on here. I have a book that I refer to constantly…The Four Agreements. One of them is to not take anything personally, whether it’s negative OR whether it’s positive. That what “they” say or do is about them, not about me…it works to keep perspective.
I guess we all have different perspectives. I don’t think I was being disrespectful to The House, and I suppose if he feels that way, then HE can tell me. I even asked him to the bowling day…to join us hecklers, if nothing else.
In short, I think this time you are dead wrong.
“No, a different opinion does not make a person a “bad apple”, but constant personal attacking, swearing and down-right lack of tact does. I know exactly what House is talking about and I’m pretty sure just about everyone else here does too. ” And, of course, I’m guessing that you feel that only comes from those on the other side. You would never be guilty of that.
Now…what Cait said…yes, we have to remember to keep disrespect and condescension out of our discussions. But we all still need to be able to share our opinions. And I understand why some stay away…it’s even occurred to me, when I’m accused of something that someone interpreted in a wrong way. But this community is too important to me, and the wonderful people that I’ve met on here are too important to make me go away.
It’s been a wonderful day, celebrating friend’s upcoming marriage. NR, I hope yours was good, too..
and, House, if you come bowling on the 12th, I’ll share my egg rolled oil french fries with you :)
September 29, 2008 at 2:50 pm #641352
beachdrivegirlParticipantKayleigh come back! I did enjoy finally seeing your post on the main page. So I at least know you are alive.
House, thanks for coming back! Like others who have posted above, I enjoy hearing from all different view points b/c I think it makes me (being open minded)mroe well rounded.
September 29, 2008 at 11:59 pm #641353
AnonymousInactiveUm, thank you for that, JanS. Is class dismissed now?
BDG – I saw that (and others here told me too). I really wish that Kayleigh would still participate in the forum discussions.
House – It would be great to have a beer with you again! Think about swinging by!
September 30, 2008 at 3:47 am #641354
TrisketParticipantI don’t get it. Please explain.
September 30, 2008 at 4:46 am #641355
JanSParticipantNR…did you think I was lecturing you? Then you mis-understood again..and jumped to assumptions. I won’t apologize again. I still think it’s amazing the things some people read into what some people say that are flat out not there.
Again…it was an exceptionally beautiful day…hope yours was, too…
September 30, 2008 at 5:06 am #641356
AnonymousInactiveJanS – I had a beautiful day, like all my days.
You WERE lecturing me, which is fine. That’s why I made a joke about it. A joke.
I’m not looking for an apology from you. You did nothing wrong (that I’m aware of). I pointed out the difference between a “difference of opinion” and a “bad apple”. Nothing more, nothing less.
However, you made quite a leap to assume how “touchy” I was. Not touchy at all, just pointing out bad manners when I see them.
Have a beautifully, fabulous evening!
September 30, 2008 at 6:14 am #641357
JanSParticipantOh, yes…I remember your sense of humor…it didn’t come through in what you posted. And…you perceived bad manners that weren’t there.
And, I agree, I did nothing wrong, so shouldn’t have been singled out…but it made my day, so thanks :)
Perception is a strange thing, isn’t it?
Kayleigh..yes, it’s nice to see that you’re still around, if you’re hanging around out there :)
September 30, 2008 at 5:38 pm #641358
CaitParticipantIt seems like you accuse others of making leaps and assumptions a lot, NR. When I find myself repeating things over and over I tend to look at what I’m doing not just how others react. I think it may be a pattern in your speech that causes numerous people to misjudge and “overreact” to what you say. I can’t put a finger on it myself – but I don’t see too many people making huge leaps here. It does happen, but I don’t think it happened here.
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