I see this bird about 2-3 times a year. It is either extremely secretive or transient. Super skiddish, doesn’t like it’s picture taken. What is it? (Arbor Heights area)
Just curious because this bird is so fleeting in its appearances and near impossible to get a picture of.
Sunuva, that is funny to note his secretive nature. I heard his call a gazillion times but could never see him. Once I stopped on a walk and stared a tree for a long time before finally seeing him. How frustrating to see the beautiful close up photos here in the WSB when I can barely get a glimpse.
I’m scratching my head at this secretive/transient stuff. I see and hear flickers all the time, including in my yard and at my bird feeder. Never had one come down the chimney, though. Maybe it was a North Pole Flicker…(groan)
Anonyme, now that I know what their call sounds like, I hear it throughout the day. They just rarely seem to show themselves out in the open.
It may also be because of other birds around our yard or our dog that keeps them away. We do have some very territorial crows that nest in one of our trees. That said, I don’t recall ever seeing them anywhere else like the local parks either. Maybe it’s me?
I’m sure it’s nothing personal. Woodpeckers in general are less tolerant of humans than birds that are somewhat dependent on them, like crows. Just be glad they aren’t drilling holes through your siding! They are very beautiful, though. Ubiquitous in Arbor Heights. Put out some suet this winter and you may see more of them.