Transportation Options for Women's March on Sat?

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    Hey, trying to find the easiest options to get to the march and back. Was planning on the “C” line but not sure if they’ll be adding any buses or running normal weekend volume? Is the water taxi running – suspect not? Too bad the weather will be so sucky or I’d bike…
    Open to suggestions.



    wake, according to a blurb on the WSB main page, the Water Taxi will indeed not be running on Saturday.

    It also mentions that Metro will be running extra buses.

    I checked Metro’s web page and a link regarding the march on it simply goes to Trip Planner.




    I haven’t heard that the county has made any arrangements for increased bus or adding Water Taxi service, but the organizers are adding new info every day, so maybe there is still hope. We are thinking about taking C-Line to Metro #7 to Judkins Park. (#4 is a second, closer option) … or maybe just skip the park and join at one of the entry points on 4th Ave since we aren’t marching with a particular group. Another option is to get to the Chinatown / International District Light Rail Station where there will be a shuttle bus to the park. The Judkins Park timeline (one hour to gather, organize into groups, listen to speakers, and begin marching) seems exceedingly optimistic if they get anywhere near the number of people being quoted. “See you there!”




    there’s also Uberpool…I’m sure they’ll be busy, though.

    Wakeflood…good for you..not being able to walk/march like that prevents me from going…but I’ll be there in spirit.



    I’m thinking C line to the 4th Ave entry point at this juncture. Might change depending on updates.

    I’ll be marching for all who can’t, JanS, especially you!

    And I’m hoping that we find a way to keep peaceful and make the story about that and not let interlopers and media change the message.

    See you all soon.



    * New Ride Information:
    I just heard that there will be a bus leaving from Home Depot with plenty of time to make it down to the march.
    Home Depot is convenient because that way all of the Liberals that are interested in marching in solidarity of Unity and Love will be able to purchase the basic supplies that every liberal Love & Unity march needs.

    * Democratic party Love & Unity Protest March Basic Supply ( Checklist )

    1) Extra large gas cans for all of the cars that will be turned over and burned.
    * Very Important * Use Bio-Fuel for Car burning. Think of the Enviroment
    2) Pipes, Clubs and Sticks for beating anyone that dares to speak out against this Liberal love fest of Unity. Especially defenseless women Trump supporters.
    3) Rocks, bottles , Bolts, screws etc… anything that is able to be thrown to break the windows on any local Capitalistic exploitation businesses that dare to be in the way of the Liberal Love march.
    4) Spray paint – ( Bright colors preferably ) to enable the installation of obscene threatening messages of liberal Hate / Love.

    Be prepared Liberals. Nothing ruins an historic Democratic Peace & Love march more than running out of Gasoline, matches or at the very least a Baseball bat or Club.



    William64, the purpose of the march is to: “promote women’s equality and defend other marginalized groups.” Do you find fault in that? Is there something in that statement that makes you feel marginalized? Well then, join the march. Come experience the love and inclusiveness that will be felt. Sounds like you could use a little sisterly/brotherly love. All are welcome, you know! You might find your snarky attitude disappears and maybe you could see your fellow neighbors as decent people, make new friends and join in a purpose that’s larger than yourself. Seriously, join in. You might even have fun. C’mon… take a chance on rising above your political perspective and join with others.



    Note how the Republicans have twisted the word “liberal” into a bad thing. I’m proud to be liberal!



    Whoa, Williamf64, angry much? TanDL was being generous by characterizing your post as “snarky.” I found it downright contemptuous.



    I’m surprised we weren’t called “delicate snowflakes”. Seems to be a term the basket people like to use. Their candidate won, they will get their way, with trump giving them all a job, cheap healthcare, and on and on. Yet they continue to be rude, arrogant, hateful. Especially hateful. Decided today that I actually don’t mind the “snowflake” name, as when there are many together, it can be a force to be reckoned with.

    What an unhappy person Mr. William f64 sounds like. I’m thinking maybe he needs a life, someone to love him , and a hobby.Poor guy. Or he can just continue to be hateful, rude, arrogant. But what a crappy life that must be.

    …I don’t think Mr. William has the balls to join in the march…he’s chicken, hiding behind his anonymous keyboard. Much safer there, I suppose.



    I apologize.
    I just don’t remember the “Women’s March” when Bill Clinton paid $ 850,000 to Paula Jones for Real sexual Assault ? Yes, Paid her to GO AWAY ! and if your crazy Liberal mind can somehow rationalize that anyone would pay $ 850,000 to someone that is lying and attempting to trash your reputation. Please remind me because I don’t remember reading about THAT march or sitting in my car as traffic was held up for hours ?
    I certainly don’t remember any protests when that very same PREDATOR – Willy Clinton was almost put back into the same White House where he first used his power to dominate and take advantage on innocent women.
    I know that there were no protests when Hillary organized an effort to trash those same ” Bimbo’s ” as she referred to them.
    So, basically I am pointing out that you all Pretend to care about women but you actually don’t give a damn. You believe in the appearance of helping women as long as it doesn’t conflict with the evil religion of Progessive Liberalism.

    I expect to hear Crickets on this one because you literally have NO response that isn’t a personal attack because you DON’T CARE !



    You seem like a very cheery fella William. Nobody here is trying to canonize Bill Clinton. Your use of REAL sexual assault speaks volumes as well. As a fellow male I think you should be listening and not commenting.

    This thread was not set up to debate you about your thoughts on women. Do you get that? You are the problem just like your male conservatives. Stop talking about women’s issues, bodies, choices, etc. like you know more than they do. You don’t get to make those decisions and shouldn’t be trying to explain to anyone how they should feel. Maybe sit this one out and listen.

    Stay safe out there tomorrow.



    williamf64 –

    the (REAL) facts are in. to your points:

    1) Extra large gas cans for all of the cars that will be turned over and burned.

    fact: number of cars turned over and burned – ZERO.

    2) Pipes, Clubs and Sticks for beating anyone that dares to speak out against this Liberal love fest of Unity. Especially defenseless women Trump supporters.

    fact: number of counter-protesters beaten – ZERO.

    3) Rocks, bottles , Bolts, screws etc… anything that is able to be thrown to break the windows on any local Capitalistic exploitation businesses that dare to be in the way of the Liberal Love march.

    fact: number of windows broken – ZERO.

    4) Spray paint – ( Bright colors preferably ) to enable the installation of obscene threatening messages of liberal Hate / Love.

    fact: number of public spaces defaced with spray paint – ZERO.

    sorry, buddy – it must suck when reality just doesn’t want to confirm to your world view. :(



    Thank you, RarelyEver! Keep in mind, though, that some people prefer “alternative facts,” sadly enough.




    “Their candidate won, they will get their way, with trump giving them all a job, cheap healthcare, and on and on.”

    if only that was truth… and not just the promises made to get into the White House…




    “I expect to hear Crickets on this one because you literally have NO response that isn’t a personal attack because you DON’T CARE !”

    Let’s go where you so unwisely lead…

    I don’t remember excusing sexual predation.. even when the perpetrator was Bill Clinton…

    but you seem to imply that Donald Trump’s sexual predation is ok.. and that women have no right to march against the policies of the current White House because Bill Clinton was a sexual predator.

    that’s a pretty shaky argument.. but assuming it held even the tiniest bit of water…

    if Bill Clinton paying off Paula was a bad thing.. one for which he should be condemned…

    isn’t Donald Trump paying off multiple sexual accusers something which should be condemned? … not to mention his oh so sleezy grabbing pussing remarks?

    Come on now…

    Even though you seem to have ignored everything but what you think this march was about.. sexual predation wasn’t THE issue … although i am sure we could have a substantive conversation about the impact of sexual predation on this election … if substantive conversations were your thing.

    I am far more concerned that Donald Trump paid off the students he ripped off at his University and people like you still voted for him.

    What??? wasn’t that a red flag to you?

    We who march and speak care a great deal… enough to stand.. even for people like you…
    who are so blinded by hate that they are unwise enough to vote against their best interests

    you should thank us

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by JoB.


    really, williamf64 – crickets? are you busy crafting your alternative facts about that march? maybe someone aggressively leaned against a car, and the liberal media killed the story?

    well, everyone needs a hobby, i suppose.

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