The Velvet Bulldog leaves WS: needs apt up North

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    The Velvet Bulldog

    Hi All:

    The economy unfortunately caught up with me and I got laid off three weeks ago. I’ve decided to turn my long-range plan of going back to school to study Horticulture into a short-range plan and I’ve enrolled in the awesome programs up at Edmonds CC. The drawback: EdCC is in…*gulp*…Lynnwood.

    So, on a twist to our usual housing-finding theme here – do any of you know folks with duplex/triplex-type rentals in the Edmonds/Shoreline/Mtlk Terrace area? I don’t want to go TOO far north as I’m planning on being back here a LOT!

    My whole life I’ve lived in Seattle, and 25 of the past 40 have been in WS. It seems like it shouldn’t be such a big deal, but the idea of leaving my community, my friends, my mum – even to go half an hour north – is proving difficult.

    Hopefully, after my two-year program is up, I can come back to find the Viaduct issues are solved, home prices are reasonable, and jobs plentiful! (Gosh, I’m having delusions and I haven’t even been drinking…)

    Thanks for any info you can offer!



    I am sooo sad…we will miss you sooo much. You’d better come back and visit, come to a meet-up, the street fair…lots more dancing to do, and me with no cane now.

    I have a friend in Edmonds….she goes to Shoreline, I think…it’s the branch of WWU up in the north end. I’ll ask her what she knows, if she has any ideas where the good parts are vs. the where you don’t want to live parts…

    damn, I’m still sad :(


    The Velvet Bulldog

    Thanks Jan – that’s great. But wait, won’t we be getting together for a foot massage before I leave???? ;-)



    absolutely….I’ll e-mail you…:)



    I have a friend who lives in the Mount Lake Terrace area and I will see if she has any idea’s. We will miss you but hopefully you will still come back from time to time. After all we need you.



    I hate to suggest the not-politically-correct solution, but I drive to Everett every workday. It’s not easily bus-able to where you’re going, but it’s really only a 20 mile drive. And you’ll be done before the Viaduct comes down if you hurry!



    ECC is actually in Lynnwood. Fairly close to the border of Edmonds however. As far as rental prices and quality of neighborhoods, I would rate Shoreline/North City lowest. Followed by MtlkTerrace, then Lynnwood. Almost all of Edmonds is nice, with prices going up the closer you get to the water. Downtown old Edmonds (about 2 intersections) is very appealing and walkable. Shops, coffee, old movie theatre. If you can find something there, it would have the closest feel to California Ave. Starting at Main and third and branching out all directions, you can find quaint, older housing.

    Woodway considers themselves better than Edmonds but they joined the high schools so they’ve had to get over it. Richmond Beach thinks of themselves as the best. If you look at a map, you’ll notice HWY 99 as kind of being the money divider. And speaking of 99 (Aurora) stay as far away as financially possible. Once you get north of Greenlake, you really don’t want to live near the HWY.

    If you want more specifics, feel free to PM me. I had the mis-fortune of growing up in Lynnwood. They still have big hair and think it’s cool to hang at the Alderwood Mall.



    i am glad to har you are making lemonade out of your lemons and are realizing your dream…

    but you will be missed.


    The Velvet Bulldog

    CB: I considered doing the commute, but after going up there 4 out of 5 days last week and getting stuck in traffic, I called BS and decided to move. :-)

    JT: Thanks for the geography correction–I do tend to do an Edmonds/Lynnwood mash-up! I’ll definitely PM you for some info.




    I’ll miss you too. :( But I also totally understand. When we lived in N. Seattle, we were over here all the time and it IS a drive. Especially if I-5 is any part of it. I’m very happy for you, though. Maybe it will be a blessing in disguise. Hopefully.

    I wish you all the best!

    And keep in touch!



    Oh no! No VBD in WS? One of my alltime favorite handles! Good luck with the program, though.



    TVB – You gonna have big hair now?

    Happy trails to you.

    Maybe you’ll show up this summer to dance on California Ave. again.



    A friend of mine lives in Lynnwood and for a while the house next door to her was available for rent – the same landlord owns her house and the one or two next to it. If you’re interested, I can ask her about it. She’s off 168th, west of 99.

    I lived in Lynnwood for the first 1-1/2 years I moved here (late 2004 to early 2006). I lived in the Martha Lake Apartments near 164th and Larch Way. It was okay, although some had different opinions on it if you read online reviews. I can recommend a really good hairstylist up there if you need one too … didn’t give me big hair either. :) I also have some doctors to recommend up there too if you need them too.



    1 bdr house by Yost park and pool $875 mo.

    Don’t know the specific street, but this is right next to a big, nice park and just a few blocks from downtown Edmonds. About 10 blocks to the water. Maybe 5 minutes to ECC. 5 minutes to 99 or I-5.

    FYI, coming back south, Take I-5 to the 85th street exit. Head west to 99 and take that the rest of the way to West Seattle. The freeway comes to a standstill at this point while 99 has only a couple of lights left before it’s straight through. I’ve done every possible configuration and even though the slow down can begin a half mile before this exit, it is still the quickest (subjective term) route. Stay on the freeway and you might as well park. Get onto 99 any earlier and you sit at every light.



    Velvet is my all time favorite handle, hands down.

    Velvet, We love Edmunds and considered moving there. Would have it weren’t for the commute to downtown. The dog park is really great and we met the best people. Know you don’t have a doggie but it showed what the locals were like. Shoreline is creepy!


    The Velvet Bulldog

    JT: That’s exactly what I do – both coming south and going north, it definitely helps the commute. Thanks for the Craig’s List heads-up. I’ve been looking for something under $750 (as I’ll be a starving student!) but the choices are pretty grim.

    Sue: I’d be happy to hear about the house, though there again, my finances will be tight! I’ll look into the ML apts too – thanks!



    TVB, I emailed my friend to see if she knows of anything for rent up near her – will update if I hear anything.



    JT…great advice for using 99 at 85th. I do the same if I have to go the other way, too. I usually go up to 50th on Aurora (99), and then cut over to I-5. You miss (who really misses it?) having to go through downtown under the Convention Center. I used to do chair massage at a business in Mukilteo, and this really helped the commute.


    The Velvet Bulldog

    Just giving this a little bump in case anyone has any further ideas! Thanks for all the great input so far!!



    Have you checked the Everett Herald or Edmonds newspaper online classifieds for a rental –

    There is nice apt. – townhouses right in the main business area in Edmonds which are very nice – you can walk to the grocery, drug store, bus, etc. and the views are gorgeous.

    Good luck in your studies!



    Definitely try downtown Edmonds if you can swing it.

    I lived at Ballinger Commons when I went to Shoreline. It’s very close (but not on 99) and you can go the Edmonds the back way from there – about :10 drive. It’s one of those big faceless complexes, but they probably have good rental deals.



    TVB, my friend got back to me and said that the houses next to her have been rented out now. Sorry!


    The Velvet Bulldog

    rg & RD: Thanks for the leads, I’ll definitely follow up!

    Sue: Thanks for checking!

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