Still think he’s not senile?

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    this. hands down. is the funniest thing I have ever seen. This is who the right wingnuts want to lead our country. oh, dear.



    Oh, cringe, that was just painful and only makes me feel bad for him. He could’ve recovered from it a lot better if he’d have just laughed and joked about the long campaign hours getting to him. A lot easier to think of that after the fact, though.



    wasn’t the look on Cindy’s face just priceless? I swear we watched that at least 5 times last night and just howled with laughter. That was even better than this one:



    This one’s pretty good too. I think he thought he was yelling at Cindy again instead of giving a speech…



    Trouble word finding can be caused by a lot of different disorders.. including severe exhaustion.

    but.. it doesn’t bode well for a president.. who will be under incredible stress for the entire term.

    most of them come out looking like they have aged a decade per term.

    if he is having this much trouble now.. with teleprompters… it is hard telling what he will say to a foreign dignitary if elected…

    he wasn’t known for holding his tongue when he was younger.



    Who has gotten ahold of Meghan McCain’s face with the increasingly disturbing makeup? I first saw her on The View a few months ago and she was fairly fresh faced. Then in the “my fellow prisoners” clip (post 3) you can see the beginning of the progression. A few days ago, when he was speaking, I caught a glimpse of someone and thought, cripes, who’s the street walker they had introduce him there? And today, I saw the same person and had to really look hard to realize it was her! Barely recognizable. Wow. I guess I’ll chalk this all up to an exhausting campaign process. I’m willing to blame exhaustion before senility, but I’m pretty sure being the president will be exhausting as well and a candidate needs to be able to manage that without such obvious, and frequent, flubs.

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