She hung in there valiantly for years, but alas, the time has come for a new catalytic converter. I promised her I would ask our trusted West Seattle neighbors for their recommendations of loving, capable hands. And she promised me that she would carry on into a third decade. (What is that in car years?)
I believe tom may be talking about “The Muffler Shoppe” at 10009 16th Ave SW
(206) 762-1939.
If it is the same guy that owned it years ago, like at least ten, maybe fifteen, a buddy of mine who is very particular, especially on his hotrod cars, was usually very pleased with the guy’s work.
What an education I got yesterday! Went to four Authorized Emission “Specialists” in West Seattle. Got estimates ranging from $900+ to $450+. Only one fellow, a seasoned auto repairman, knew enough to ask how many cylinders the engine had PLUS whether the car had leather or cloth seats. Why cloth seats? Well, he knew that a 1996 Camry with 4 cylinders and cheaper cloth seats had only 1 catalytic converter. Hans, you got the job!