Self-serve car wash etiquette

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    Just an opinion poll. My husband and I were at the Car Wash Palace (name cracks me up) on 35th SW and his opinion was that one should not pull around the person at the vacuum station to enter the wash station without asking the vacuumer, since they are technically “in line” for the wash station. While there, I saw people doing it both ways. So what gives? Is it 2 separate lines? Or does the person at the vacuum have dibs? I’m not obsessing over this but I’d rather not get in a fight with an irate vacuumer either.



    Last time I was there I vacuumed after I washed. Most people prolly don’t think there is a system like that. You just grab what is available.



    I would ask the person vacuuming if they are in line to wash…..



    I concur, in general, but if they are really focused on sucking up the Fritos in the rear seat cracks, it is clear they aren’t worried about the exterior at that instant. I’ve not had problems skipping ahead of intent vacuumers.



    I agree with asking the person vacuuming. Not everyone goes to do both, or knows how long the person using the vacuum will take. It seems like a simple way to keep people civil.



    I see them as somewhat separate. If someone is vacuuming and the bay in front of them is open, I go in for the wash. Seems strange to wait for them to finish and leave a wash stall empty.

    If I vacuum first, I never consider that I have “dibs” on a wash bay. When I’m done with that, I’ll wait for the other if I must.

    I like that there are vacuums available before and after the wash, so I can plot the most efficient strategy based on traffic flow.



    I usually ask just to be nice. I think 99% of people will say go ahead if you ask and harbor no bad feelings. It’s when you don’t ask that some people think to themselves, “that SOB took my spot!”

    I really need to wash my car now that you mention it, thanks!


    Participant’s defiantly time for the Alki Bird Poop wash.



    Since it is a Car Wash “Palace,” your footman or courtier should approach the gentlewoman or gentleman vacuuming their resplendent coach, bow deeply, and request their blessing to proceed. If they grant permission, you may curtsy, extend your gloved hand, and advance toward the moat. Be sure to bring plenty of gold shillings. God save the Clean!



    Funny one Sonoma.



    God save the clean:)



    Lmao Sonoma, thanks!



    LOL, thanks Sonoma and all who replied. Seems like a mixed bag, as I thought.



    i always err on the side of civility…

    after all.. it’s a win win scenario

    you feel good about yourself

    and the person you asks feels good about you..



    Double thumbs up Sonoma; well written!



    I’ve been scolded twice at the Car Wash Palace for the drive-around; once by a vacuuming customer and once by someone that either runs the place or owns it. He had keys and was in a small back room and apparently re-filling soaps and other chemicals. The driver and I had some friendly gestures that I shrugged off but since the employee was of the same opinion I decided to accept that as the rule. Now if I’m faced with a drive-around situation, I ask. Seems silly to me but if that’s the etiquette then I will comply….



    I’ve always been used to Brown Bear’s system – wash then suck. That’s the way the stalls were set up. Going the the Palace throws me off. I’ve always thought they were two separate entities and will continue to treat them as such – until there’s a sign telling me otherwise. Most of the time I have no need for the suck; but then sometimes I want both.



    i too wash first then vacuum..

    but if you think about it.. it does make sense to get the dirt out before washing what falls on the outside off…

    with dogs i never get to skip vacuuming:(



    it amazes me that the owners/managers of establishments scold their customers. It’s like people have never heard of the nice approach. Some people around here suffer badly from the grumpies. Maybe it’s the weather. I dunno..but people need to chill.

    I about a relaxing massage at ‘Chill’… I had one the other day and it was OH-So-Nice!!



    Well, this is all very interesting. I guess next time I sashay over to ye olde Car Wash Palace I will be sure to ask before butting in front of a vacuumer! I didn’t realize that it might be construed as rude.



    If you are just about to be done running that VAC and someone pulls infront and goes for the works (rinse,wash,soapybrush,wax,tire,engine,rinse,blow dry, re-rinse, re-blowdry), as the VAC’er, I would be kinda hot.

    You could always pull the ‘The Dude’ conversation here:

    Approaches VAC’er, points to open wash stall, points to it and says:


    VAC’er assesses remaining workload and looks up and says one of the following:

    Dude! (this means sure man, go ahead)

    or if just about done and about to pull in:

    Duuuuuuude….. (this indicates that they are about to use the facility and politely decline the request)

    What you do not want is:

    DUDE! (this is a person that has not been to bed and has had no coffee in 48 hours).

    At that location, I believe there are VAC’s in the back (after you pull thru the wash-a-teria). If you are just gonna roll a VAC and those are open, I say use those to cut down confusion…




    I vaccum…more than wash, so would be surprised if someone asked me if it was okay to pull into an empty wash stall. Have always seen the two tasks as separate, individual lines.

    If we reverse this…does it also mean that if the wasing stalls are full, but there are empty vaccum spots, that I should ask the ‘car washer’ whether s/he is going to use the vaccum right after they finish washing? Or is that what the vaccums on the backside are for…people that are finished washing–so I only need to ask about those?

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