Recurring/constant pothole reports

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    The potholes on 35th Ave SW are getting a bit ridiculous : Othello<->Holden, OLG school zone, Morgan/Raymond near the carwash. I often take the time to report these but it is getting a bit silly. Every new storm results in some patch fix getting washed away. Is there a way to get the pothole rangers to check this stretch after every storm till whatever future ballot measure gets approved? Something like a recurring reminder for them to take a little drive down 35th and patch everything in sight?



    I thought the potholes in Seattle were bad until I recently spent time in Western New York.

    Holy guacamole, are those roads terrible from the ice, snow and salt!

    And the drivers!


    Seattle roads and drivers are smooth riding pussycats compared to the speeding numbnuts we encountered there.



    Pigeonmom…good thing you didn’t get to Connecticut…



    I’ve had decent luck with my reports on Sylvan Way via the iPhone app in the last two weeks. But it’s like they patch holes on one side but are oblivious to the next lane over. The cars swerving around Sylvan in the morning avoiding the deep holes is getting dangerous on the curves with the bad sight lines.



    I seem to get a response too. But it is kind of idiotic to be calling out the same spot 3 times in 2 months. Its a Sisyphean task for everybody involved here. So, I doubt the pothole rangers are trying to go above and beyond what is reported.



    An Eastern European friend of mine in high school used to refer to the southern part of Beach Drive as “Russian Road”. He would always say “I thought you Americans would have it better over here!”

    Our road is pretty bad and the patch jobs they do over the giant holes only last a couple weeks at most. So I think the “recurring” part of this is worrisome – they need to find a more permanent solution.




    Nice links metrognome.

    My creativity is somewhat limited. I was planning to trade in my small car for something else this summer. A raised Jeep Wrangler (or similar) with aftermarket larger tires is now high on the wishlist. I’m just going to imagine 35th Ave SW is an off-roader’s paradise. Maybe Seattle Parks can brand it as such too :)

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