Rave: Joe Mallahan

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    Finally someone has thrown their hat in the ring who I think has a chance.

    Go Joe!!

    Let us all throw dough boy out of office this year.




    I’m interested to know why you think Joe Mallahan has a chance of unseating Nickels. He touts that he has not been a politician for years; as Nickels has. Good or bad, that’s what usually gets people elected.

    His website is generous with catchy roll-up your sleeves kind of language; but nothing intelligent about how he will do this. It will be interesting to see how his platform develops.

    It makes me uncomfortable to read name calling about anyone. Referring to Nickels (who I am no big fan of) doughboy feels mean spirited and insensitive to many who are overweight.



    thank-you for that, flowerpetal…yes, many of us don’t like our current mayors priorities, but the doughboy jokes are offensive, or any other that refers to weight. It speaks volumes about how our society really feels about overweight people, doesn’t it?



    It has been assumed that by the term “dough boy” I was referring to the weight or our lovely mayor. The truth, however, is that I was use dough as a means of describing his softness in making decisions. The guy seems incapable of driving through a strong agenda.

    And BTW, I am a person of size myself.



    Trensuela, THAT I can agree with :)



    That’s a fairly obscure way of describing that trait. It would never have occurred to me that this is what you were trying to communicate.

    I’m happy that you weren’t taking a personal jab at the mayor’s build. But if you had, being a “person of size” doesn’t, for me, make it less mean spirited.

    And I confess, I’ve made those same kind of comments myself, and welcome being called on it.

    Thanks Trensuela!



    I know somebody that has to work with Joe Mallahan and have heard only bad things about him. Arrogant is a good word to use. I would NEVER EVER vote for him.



    Of course he is arrogant. The probability of someone running for public office who is not arrogant? Not so big. Successful people are rarely easily contented and easy to get along with.

    I for one am willing to give someone with a proven executive track record a chance over the current incompetent.



    I see no reason to imagine that an arrogant corporate executive will be any better for the *people* of Seattle than the incumbent. He will, perhaps, be in the pocket(s) of a different set of “big bidness” persons, and Allen will, perhaps, have to get in line or ride in the back of his trolley for a while. :-)



    “proven executive track record”..ask people who use T-Mobile how wonderful they think it is…just because he made it to the semi-top doesn’t necessarily mean that his product is that and all some.

    I would need to know a whole lot more about him, listen to him and the other candidates, alone, and in a debate setting before I’d ever consider voting for any of them…



    JanS – You wrote “proven executive track record”..ask people who use T-Mobile how wonderful they think it is..”

    What exactly is wrong with T-Mobiles service? I have had them for years and have had nothing but great coverage, especially here in WS. I have had other carriers and had crappy coverage and crappy service. I for one like the fact when I call customer support I know I am speaking to someone in the U.S. versus being sent overseas and actually speaking with someone who wants to help.

    So, Joe may not be perfect but he is someone different and I think worth at least giving a chance. His initial site may not bring that “wow” factor, however I am sure things might evolve. I for one would be more than happy to listen to someone besides Nickels and see if perhaps they can be an improvement.



    Oh, I agree about our current mayor..it’s definitely time for new blood. I have friends/family who have been on T-Mobile who have been less than satisfied. Having said that, I’m not familiar with Joe, so need to hear more from all who are running before endorsing anyone..



    I know of two distinct T-Mobile dead spots in West Seattle. One going down Highland Park Way and another on 35th right near the hill by Alaska Way. Not to mention that my office building gets absolutely NO T-Mobile cell reception and I work on Elliott Ave. These dead spots have been mentioned to T-Mobile who supposedly will fix any dead spot, but it’s been a couple of years so I’m guessing fixing dead spots is not high on their priority list.

    Anyways, all I was saying is that I definitely trust the source of criticism against Joe and that is how I am going to base my vote. I don’t care if he is someone different. He’s not someone I want in a position of power. If he makes people’s lives a living hell at T-Mobile I can only imagine what he’ll do for our city.

    By the way, just because you are an executive doesn’t necessarily mean you are good at what you do. A lot of companies have the “good ol’ boy” mentality and T-Mobile is one of them.




    I don’t even know where to begin. But I will give it a shot.

    If the building you are working in is built green, odds are you are going to have problems with everyone but Verizon. Verizon uses a totally different technology that penetrates materials better.

    It reads as if you are basing your opinion on one person’s assessment of the situation. Do you work there yourself? I know several people who work for T-Mobile and they are major fans of the company which is rare for large companies. I have worked in places that were truly “good old boy” companies and outside of your post I have never heard anything of the kind.

    Read the Seattle Times message board on this announcement, there are a few postings from people who know Joe who have very positive things to say about him.

    Please avoid such harsh blanket statements about local companies who provide well for their employees.




    I’m not sure if it is or not. I work in the Clear Channel building. No I don’t work for T-Mobile myself. I am friends with multiple people who work there, however, and it really matters which department you work in as far as how great they think the company is. Do you know people that work in IT there? That is the department that Joe works in and he’s burned burned bridges there big time.

    I must say that the customer service people LOVE working at T-Mobile, which is interesting considering they probably make the least amount of money, but like I said, totally different department.

    But I am just voicing my opinion and you are free to vote however you want to. Just for me, personally, I tend to vote on someone based on their character.



    I work at T-mobile and have had the displeasure of working with Joe Mahallan for several years. The guy is a nightmare. In his website, he takes credit for things he has had hardly anything to do with. I’ve watched him publicly insult people in front of large groups. I’ve watched him threaten to fire people who disagreed with him. I’ve also watched him verbally attack people until they’ve began crying and had to leave the room. At his executive level at T-mobile he has many people to save him when he pushes things in the wrong direction that could have cost the company millions. I do not want someone in public office who has such a track record of bad decision making. The lack of tact, character and people skills this guy has is astounding. He definitely will not get my vote.


    Anybody who claims to work at t-mobile and pledges their support for him has either

    A. They’ve never had to deal with him personally


    B. They think their ass kissing will get them a promotion.




    Now there does seem to be a case against Joe.

    I may soon go back to my original pessimism about this years mayoral election.

    Four more years of McCheese…woo hoo.



    Tanis1212 – well said!

    I don’t want people to just vote for somebody because they are a change from what we currently have. I truly want someone in office that is respectable/respectful and can get things done the right way, not by being a tyrant.



    This guy is a rude, arrogant jerk.

    He may be good enough to be voted to carry my trash, but that is about it.

    I have had the unfortunate task of working with this man and I can tell you that he insults people, doesn’t recall people’s names even though he was just introduced to them, and talks down to people.

    He takes credit for the work of others at T Mobile, and he has been so offensive people have had to leave the room during his tirades.

    This man is someone who you pray doesn’t get into a power position. He is a creep.


    HMC Rich

    Sounds like he’s perfect!!! lol. I think Rudy Giuliani ought to move here and be our mayor!



    Oh my:( He does sound like a politician:(

    we have t-mobile service and will probably continue with them because they provide the phone hubby wants…

    but as a traveler who depends upon their cell phone service when driving cross country.. i have to point out that t-mobile’s dead spots are a whole lot larger than mere intersections or buildings.

    i am going to pick up a throw away phone from someone with better coverage next time i get in the car to travel across the heartland…

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