Rant/Jefferson Square parking lot.

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    It’s not only a rant, but I hate that parking lot. If I didn’t have to go to the UPS for mail, or Bartell’s that I love, I would NEVER set foot in Jefferson Square. Who ever decided to paint the parking strips in that lot, should have to sleep in a bed where their feet hang just over the edge, and sit in a chair like an airline seat. Today, when I came back to my car, I had to ask the person who pulled in next to me, to pull their car back, so I would have enough room to open my door to get back into my car. Jefferson Square parking lot, you cause many people to NOT shop there. Doesn’t someone want to know this? I know this isn’t fresh news, but there is no good ranting going on around here…….



    One of the biggest reasons that I was so excited when the QFC opened across the street. Near the end of my shopping days at that Safeway, I ended up parking behind the square on 42nd or the other surrounding streets. Way more stress free than navigating that horrible lot.



    Maybe they should take a note from the Westwood Village Target, who finally repainted their lot (last year? at least that’s when I noticed it) to widen the spaces. Such a huge difference in parking now.



    I agree, that lot is the pits. Stupid configuration and minuscule spaces.



    Yeah! I drive a bug and it looks huge in those parking stalls!



    you might try parking on an underground level instead. There is an elevator in the office building that is available whenever Bartell’s is open.



    Around Christmas I got trapped in that lot once. It was wierd because the lot is so small, but it was a crazy bottleneck.



    I have seen near fistfights in that lot over where and how people are driving in it. It’s frustrating, and I don’t park in there unless I can see it’s about 50% empty.

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