UGH. So, I’m very clearly in *MY* yard (top part of a terraced yard, very obviously MY property) with *MY* dog who happens to be pooping. Yes, I’m in my pajamas. No, I don’t pick it up. Should you scream out your car window at me at an intersection to “Clean up my dog’s poop!!”?!? Er, no. I don’t think so.
It’s my yard. If anyone is going to step in it, it’ll be me. If you step in it, too bad…you shouldn’t be on my property. So, please…..shut it.
Mind you, if I were on public property, I’d absolutely be bagging up that poop and packing it out. But, I’M NOT. I feel for the people who have dogs pooping in their yard and no one cleans up after it. That sucks, really, it does. And if that were the case, I could totally see screaming out of a car window to someone to pick it up. But, use discretion. Don’t scream at people in their pajamas in their own yard. It’s really just a waste of breath.
Thanks. Just had to get that off of my chest. Much better now.