Rant or Rave? ~ Colton Harris-Moore

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    Anyone care to weigh in on this little rascal?

    Some say he’s a punk.

    Some say he’s a hero.

    Either way, it looks like he’s bound for Hollywood.




    I guess I’m tired of people making him a folk hero. So he had a tough upbringing. Lots of people have, and they didn’t all turn to crime. He is a criminal, he broke into places, he stole things that were worth a lot of money. Yes, he’s bright, he’s intelligent. Maybe he can turn that intelligence into something good.But he has to pay for what he’s done. Look how people in our community were up in arms about Skylar Hailey. CHM is 10 times worse, yet there are Facebook fan pages about him,t-shirts glorifying him, let’s make a movie about him, let’s write a book about him (mom) and make lots of money. I don’t get it.

    He’s still a teen, but almost a full fledged adult…he needs to learn (and take) the responsibility of his actions.

    OK…back to my hole :)



    Know what’s weird?

    Well, an angora chupacabra would be, but that’s not what I’m thinking of right now . . .

    What’s even more weird is that at least some of the people who got ripped off by Harris-Moore would actually welcome a movie deal. Then they might stand a chance of getting their property loss reimbursed out of the profits. Still other victims would probably feel good just to be getting their fifteen minutes of fame.

    You know, I’ve never told anyone this before . . . but I’m going to share it with the WSB right now.

    Somebody stole my garden hose a couple of months ago, and it was right about the time Colton Harris-Moore could have been passing through the Delridge neighborhood on his way to the Yukon.

    Nearby the hose bib, I found part of what I think is a shoelace, which would be consistent with someone partially disrobing before entering my garden . . .

    I’ve been thinking about contacting someone regarding this incident, but I wanna hire an attorney first, just to make sure I don’t get taken advantage of.




    Rascal indeed. I also wear thin of this view that because his early childhood sucked, he should be given a pass. The one that I have more of an issue with is his bleep’a’dy bleep’n mother. This woman is foul. She is a poster child for the old adage that there are few truly bad children, only really bad parents.

    But, his only saving grace is he never went violent. He should do some time in federal prison, have to repay his vics (with the hollywood move stuff he IS going to get for sure…)and then, he should put what seems to be a very significant inelegance to work doing good.

    He could be a great story, but he now stands at a cross-roads. Kinda like Ralph Macchio.




    Interesting article from the Seattle Times:

    Could feds keep Barefoot Bandit, mom from profit?




    hasn’t this story already been made? I seem to remember a movie about a young punk who stole, scammed and otherwise lived off people…


    i hope they can stop her from making a dime…

    and him too.



    DP, let me start by thanking you for my daily giggle!

    Catch Me If You Can was a movie a few years back about an intelligent boy much like this. Do we really need another?

    I for one was surprised to hear that he is 6’5″ tall! We were shown a few pictures of him while the newest reports of his exploits were detailed on the news. He was referred to as a “teen” but never did I hear an indication of his height. I wouldn’t have guessed he was so tall, and wouldn’t have recognized him, even had he stood next to me at a store. Although technically a teen at 19 years old, he is an adult and should be held accountable as such.

    I had often wondered where his parents were and why they weren’t speaking publicly or helping the police. I think his mother is a vile, money grubber now that she has resurfaced, in the attempts to make money off him. If money is made from this story, I hope it is used for restitution only.



    Thanks ‘nymph. At 6’5″ you would’ve thought this guy would have been easier to spot, even in the forest.

    Recall that Colton’s mom has been talking with the media about wanting to start an animal shelter with any proceeds that should fall into her hands. According to her, she and Colton had talked about it, and this is what he would have wanted the money to go for.

    Humanitarian gesture? Or marketing strategy? You tell me . . .

    I also find it interesting that this kid turned down an offer of $50,000 to turn himself in. At first I thought, What a fool! But looking back on it, I think it might have been a pretty canny move. In the extra . . . what? month? . . . he’s been on the lam since the offer expired, the value of his “brand” has increased by much more than that 50 grand.

    Outlaws who turn themselves in are quitters. Outlaws who never get caught (think D.B. Cooper) are legends.

    Harris-Moore was clearly shooting for the latter.



    Colty is no hero. He’s an ass.

    You know who, from our area is a hero? Molly Hightower, the young woman, of nearly the same age, I believe, that was volunteering at an orphanage in Haiti when the quake struck, and died in it. I’m really ticked off at whomever is charge of Karma, over this one.

    Not that I’m wishing death upon Colty, or think he deserves it for the level of crimes he committed. But, if he had been killed somehow in his escapades, (crashed one of the planes, an armed, disgruntled victim of his caught him in the act, I would not have had even a fraction of the sadness in my heart, that I did when I learned of Molly’s death.

    I’m so sick of false “heros”, whether they be this punk, or even how loosely it’s used nowadays in describing sports stars, movie stars, and such. Sure, some of them may actually be down to earth, decent philanthropic people, but I certainly can’t consider them “heros”, just based on their fame and popularity. And many of them have screwed up lives off the field or camera.

    It’s just really sad the caliber of people that many of the general public looks up to these days. Especially as I’ve described above. But also these stupid “reality” shows (disclosure: one I actually do like, is Wife Swap, it can seem idiotic to me at times, but I believe it happens oftentimes that at least one of the families in any given episode, benefits to some extent, as long as they keep up with their new found change).

    I’m not easily offended, but was actually slightly so when “Survivor” came out a decade or so ago. All it is, is a show for egotistical people to try and outdo each other. I’ve never even watched a second of an actual episode, but have seen all I really need to see to form an intelligent opinion, via clips on the news, and promos and such.

    Anyway, thing that offends me about the title, is that I have survived things in my life, that I did not create, or choose to have happen to me, (mostly in my childhood), and I know there are a lot of people that have had it much worse than I, and have survived.

    *Steps off soap box, and cranks thread back around from the tangent on which he took it.*





    hear hear !


    in the month while his possible net worth was increasing… two people lost their airplanes to a young man who could fly them but couldn’t land them… a fact he already knew beyond a shadow of a doubt when he took them because he had already crashed at least one.

    He got caught when he left the nothwest and lost his support system.. which included his mom.

    humanitarian.. my ….

    who gives a …. what Colby would have wanted done with money he earned by becoming a public menace?

    she is as much a con artist as he is.



    So much for “crime doesn’t pay!”

    I agree with MIWS, Molly Hightower is a hero. In my opinion, people who help others out of the kindness of their hearts are heros, people who donate their blood, marrow, organs, money or time. Those who volunteer at schools and senior centers (as long as they don’t commit crimes while they are volunteering) are heros. Our US military men and women are heros in my book as are TR, Patrick and the other contributors that make this blog the amazing place it is! Colton Harris-Moore is a fauxlebrity, just like the Kardashians, Kate plus 8, Paris Hilton, and the list goes on and on…

    If Harris-Moore wants to start an animal shelter with the money, let him. He could also fund youth groups and foster homes or any number of youth based outreach programs. I just don’t feel he or his “mother” are entitled to any money made from the notoriety he gained by breaking the law!



    I’d heard that a few government agencies are interested in having him work for them. That’s about the best thing I can think of – make him earn the money to pay back the people he stole from and use those skills for good. I wonder if he’ll go for it…



    This tool is nothing more than a slinking cowardly thieving disgrace to the Northwest. If he or his mother make ANY money from this the we are ALL idiots (since the money would come from the paying public).

    Haven’t we already paid enough for this bastard felon?



    MousePotato, take your B vitamins and a few deep cleansing breaths… ahhhhh, all better now.

    I do however agree, Colton Harris-Moore is a tool!



    Grrrr….. Grrrr…. (huff, huff, huff….)


    I’m better now. Really….

    Give me your leg. We have some business to discuss….



    miws, your brain needs to be studied for Science. Seriously, dude.

    (Please see me after the show for details.)

    Question: Why are bone marrow donors, Haiti relief workers, and all the other compassionate and wise young people, not eligible for popular hero-hood, while a self-absorbed tyke like CH-M is? That’s an easy one. It’s the DRAMA, sillies!

    Know what would be cool, though? —Well, the polar ice caps would be, but I’m thinking of something else right now. . .

    I think it’d be cool if you could somehow take Molly Hightower’s life and take CH-M’s life, and replay the tapes, back-to-back/side-to-side, to see where and why each one of these two people made the life-changing decisions they did along the way.

    I also think it’d be cool to see whether you could somehow take a CH-M, give him a summer or two growing up with Molly in her house, and then see how he turns out. —Good like her? Or kinda rotten, the way he is now?

    Anything could happen, of course. I just like to think about whether it actually would.

    (No really, miws. It won’t hurt a bit. I promise.)

    (MousePotato . . . Sit!! Stay!!!!)



    …..you raise the blade, you make the change, you rearrange me ’til I’m sane…. ;-)




    me too?!

    Someone needs to smack MousePotato with a rolled up newspaper!



    Alright. I’ll sit. I’ll stay. Don’t ask me to roll over.

    The last time I was promised that it was just a checkup and maybe a shot.

    I woke up a day later not quite feeling myself.




    Anyway, he’s still a tool.

    Given the chance I’d bite him right in the stuff….


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