RANT – Litter and Sex infront of my house!

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    About a month ago I moved into a great West Seattle house that has a spectacular view. The block I’m on is a dead end and very frequently, joggers, bird watchers, families and couples come to admire to the view. It’s like a “lovers ridge.”

    My family and I are very frustrated because we, along with the neighbors, pick up used condoms, trash, and beer cans all the time. Sometimes cars will stay for many hours and we’ve actually seen people having sex. We’ve also caught people in the act of emptying trash out of their cars onto the street. We’re not usually confrontational because we don’t know who we’re dealing with. The neighbors report that the police started responding to parties but this other stuff is still going on.


    How could we get the city to put up a “Litter and it Will Hurt” sign, perhaps one that lists the fine? There is a “No Dumping” sign but that does nothing.

    Is it legal for people to engage in sexual activity in their cars? Should we call the police if we suspect that is happening? (What is the local non-emergent phone number, anyway?)







    Oh, believe me, I’ve already thought of the home-made signs I’d like to make.



    I also forgot to mention that I’ve seen about 10 different men take a piss off the cliff at sunset! I’m thinking…”Can’t you see there’s houses right here? I can…see…you…eww.”



    We live by a park and have similar problems with the alley behind our house. Putting up motion-activated lights on your fence and/or a security camera (doesn’t have to be real if it looks convincing!) can help, and you’ll get faster results than trying to get the city to do anything about it.

    Is the area signed for no parking? If it’s not, start with that request, and call every time you see suspicious activity (like a strange car parked for a long time). I don’t think it’s illegal to have sex in a car unless other people see you doing it–so in those cases, yes, definitely call. And the more you call, the more the problem will be on record so you can convince the city no parking signs need to go there.



    My mom lives on a golf course and is continuously dealing with the public urination issue.

    Basically, the cops won’t do anything and she can only take action if she catches them on camera.

    You can be arrested for public urination. Maybe for public sexual activities too, though I’m not sure about that one. I don’t know how close you are to where this is taking place, but you may consider, as has already been suggested, putting up a video camera with a sign that claims “This are is under surveillance”.



    Heck, a group of neighbors into the fun of it could just pop on over with flashlights. Just making sure everybody’s okay here!… Along, of course, with the other more community-minded efforts to establish notices and surveillance.



    Start taking license numbers, and look into electric fencing!



    or motion detector sprinklers with red food dye



    Oh no barb, not more red food dye….



    LOL, darn it I’m going to get that red food dye in there somewhere today.



    Wow…kind of funny…but i just left a bbq at my friends house down on alki and literallly saw a man and woman smoke crack cocaine in front of their house on a busy street…we tried to get the license to call the cops but only got the make and model…



    Instructions on how to deal with sexual encounters or public urination:

    1) Grab Video Camera

    2) Record Action…make sure you get the faces for comedy effect and prosecution.

    3) Scare the person by screaming “GOTCHA”.

    4) Inform person that you have them recorded on video and that it will be uploaded to your website in a matter of minutes.

    5) If they call your bluff, play it back for them.

    6) Post it to the Internet for all of us to enjoy.



    and make sure you use a bull horn so you can scare the cr*p out of them at the same time..:)




    there are some things that are graphic enough in print.



    Once again, may I introduce everyone to the West Seattle Crime Prevention Council, which also deals with nuisance properties and nuisance situations – not for you to turn it over to them, but for them to help find the tools to get the help you’re looking for. Please watch the Events page and home page news updates for word of their upcoming meetings. We always give extra shoutouts when the meetings get closer.

    In the shorter run, my best advice is to call the Community Police Team officer for your area. Their names and numbers are all on this page:


    as is a map of which officer is assigned to which area. – TR



    How long does your garden hose reach? ;-) A little spray can be a big deterrent.



    TR…I love you…ever the cool head :)



    I am totally incapable of doing this myself…but if you had a sawed off double barrel shotgun I would think the sound of just cocking that puppy would give them quite a start. My hubby threatens to get one when DD starts dating. I guess he plans to move out around that time, but…

    For the litter, there is the litter line. I have that programed into my cell phone speed dial and use the number ALL the time. I call everyone I see throwing anything (esp. ciggy’s) out the window.

    You might also start a neighborhood watch program and then you could put up “This neighborhood is under watch” type of signs. That may be a deterent. Sounds like some brazen behavior out there.



    I would be careful about even an empty shotgun.. that could attract a reaction you don’t want to deal with…

    it pains me to think of great music as a deterrent..

    but i have a friend who played classical music through her open window in the evening.. that worked wonders..



    Wow!! I wish I was lucky enought to see people having sex in front of my place. What’s your address again?




    you never let me down:)

    maybe you could volunteer to do patrols at the end of the street with a flashlight…

    now that sounds like a win win proposition ;->



    Shotgun cock sound effect


    Or maybe this on would be more fun


    And if you like to make stuff and can solder…


    Make your own “no parking” sign you can trigger with a relay or attach to a motion detector output circuit.

    Interesting stuff and kits to play with here





    i love it..

    combining a summer activity for the kids with nuisance deterrence:)

    not the shotgun sound effects part.. that encourages things i don’t want to think about.. but the other more creative ideas…

    sounds like the makings of a great block party to me:)



    Just wanted to let you know I sympathize – I lived on a dead-end street in NYC where we had the littering, urinating and sex going on too. I was able to ignore it all until someone got bored and set a car on fire there. That got me to move. :)

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