Rant – Charleston Cafe

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    OK, if them’s the rules, them’s the rules…

    Admins, please delete my post.

    Ol’Mom: The Charlestown is in my backyard (WSeattle). Alot of people have lists of ‘Someday I’m going to visit…’ that they may eventually get around to. Come on, many of us have had that conversation with other Seattleites about not have visited a tourist spot, park, etc, until friends or family came to town… if ever… My list happened to include that restaurant.



    I’ve never been to Charlestown, either, and have never had the desire. I don’t think it’s crazy that you’d never been before. I still haven’t been to some of WS’s best restaurants; hadn’t been to Buddha Ruksa until last month, and I’ve lived here nearly four years. It’s easy to overlook or “forget” about a restaurant, despite how many good things you hear about it.



    Just out of curiosity, to everyone scolding the OP, how do you suggest resolving this? It was the owner treating customers rudely. Can’t exactly go above him.



    I always thought Charlestown’s eggs benedict was pretty good. The hollandaise doesn’t taste like it was made from a mix…

    I was wondering the same thing, bluebird. What would the owner’s response to the OP be?

    “I felt you were rude to me.” “No I wasn’t” “Yes you were!” “No I wasn’t!” “This isn’t an argument it’s just contradiction!” “No it’s not!”

    But I don’t think that’s what the OP paid for. ;-)




    Just to be clear I said “bit odd” not crazy.



    The “mediocre service” thing is a question of supply and demand – let’s be honest here. The DMV doesn’t HAVE to be nice to you because you and every other driver out there HAVE to come back if you want to drive a car. McDonalds employees don’t HAVE to be nice because one day you will be stuck on an interstate in Small Town Nowhere America with the only place left to eat… a McDonalds. Not to mention MILLIONS of people will eat there again (as they remind you on the sign) and though their business model SAYS they have to be nice, most of the time they aren’t. They are the DMV of food, if you will.

    By the same token – you will probably pay 8 prices at Jak’s Grill because the food is amazing and the people are nice. You really cannot have it all and maybe Charlestown fills the niche of people who are just happy with acceptable all the way around. I can deal with surly waiters (try NY sometime?), I can pay a little bit more than I’d like to and I’ll eat food that is just enjoyable but not over the top. Why? Because when you want to just sit there and enjoy some simple food and have the waiters leave you alone long enough to have a conversation (oh and eat the best clam chowder in America years running) – you go to places like the Charlestown. At least those of us who grew up with it do because if nothing else there’s a community feel there… again the DMV factor but I don’t think they’re abusing it. They can just get away with not being stellar 24/7.

    And let me be clear, I do NOT think they are the DMV of diners. The waiters keep the water coming, they are pleasant without grubbing for tips and they let you substitute 8 million things without complaint.

    The owner being rude – OK, I’ll give you that. But it seems that turned your rant into something completely different. Every single person in the service industry has a bad day – and you must have caught him on one. He can be gruff, but I’ve never had an issue with him in the 18 years I’ve been going there. He’s given about half of West Seattle’s youth their first job – there’s a feat right there. (Props to Husky’s for employing the rest of them! :)

    And I don’t know how hard it would be to pull the guy aside (or hell, write a note on your receipt) and tell him “Hey – I didn’t appreciate the way you snapped at me.” He’s a business owner, not the troll under the bridge.



    flowerpetal: I’m definitely here to represent for the entire South Carolina Lowcountry…certainly one of the most intoxicating places on earth. I’m afraid that if anyone disses my beloved southland I’m going to have to call them out. Pistols at dawn. :-)



    Christopher, you’ve probably figured out what I was referring to by now: Your “other hometown” has just stolen several thousand jobs from our area. But I guess that reflects more poorly on the ungrateful bastards in Chicago than it does on the good people in Charleston. I’m sure the Charleston Cafe (if there is one) is very nice. Cheaply built airplanes, on the other hand… probably not a good thing.



    Okay folks…Trivia time:

    1. Go grab your Pearl Jam Vs. Compact Disc

    2. Open up booklet to “Elderly woman behind the counter in a small town”

    3. Note picture of waitress and background.

    Yup, it’s the Admiral Cafe, and that is the waitress that worked there up until the end. I forget her name now, but she was always a sweetheart when we went in. Loved that place….



    My dad’s strange, but usually reliable, advice on restaurants: go where the old people and cops go.

    This rule applied to the Admiral Cafe for sure. ‘Twas awesome.



    KBear: Ah, sorry. I obviously didn’t get your reference to current events.

    Unless I am mistaken, isn’t the first 787 line remaining in Everett? It’s not like they’re closing down the 787 production entirely to move it to CHS. They’re just adding another line there, right? Wouldn’t an East Coast plant help to better serve European customers and further eat into Airbus’ market?

    I have been disappointed all day today with how South Carolina has been portrayed in the local press. True, the demographics of South Carolina are very different than Washington. But the deep south stereotypes are grating.

    Charleston is a gem of a southern city with excellent colleges like the Citadel and the College of Charleston, the latter of which was founded in 1770 and educated several signers of the Declaration of Independence as well as Robert Mills, the architect who designed the Washington Monument. At one time Charleston was one of the most important colonial port cities in the US in which fortunes were made in shipping and rice. It was the birthplace of the historic preservation movement and still features thousands of well preserved 18th and 19th century structures. It has a vibrant culinary scene to rival Portland and Seattle, not to mention some of the most beautiful beach and golf resorts in the world. Each year in May it hosts the Spoleto, an international arts festival that features the world’s best symphony, jazz, theater, ballet and opera.

    Until the Clinton Administration it was home of one of the largest naval bases in the US (including a large nuclear submarine base). In fact, Charlestonians were building and operating submarines in the 1860’s (during what they call the War of Northern Aggression). The US Navy still maintains some highly technical nuclear technology centers in Charleston. There is a huge amount of highly-skilled engineering talent in the area as a result. Not to mention all of the talent from all of Charleston’s former civilian shipyards.

    The Port of Charleston is also one of the largest container ship ports in the country and the Charleston airport (and Air Force Base) is a vital air freight point for shipping to Europe, vital to the Air Force during wars of the past couple of decades. In fact, for many years the CHS served as the air freight entry point for Porsche North America. And since the mid 90’s BMW has had a huge auto plant in the state.

    Believe it or not, Charlestonians are not in fact the banjo picking, mouth breathing, Red Staters that they are being portrayed to be by certain Seattle journalists who have never been there.

    Plus, it’s governor doesn’t just have affairs with local talent, but with exotic mistresses in far away places (when he’s not hiking the Appalachian Trail). Surely that’s gotta count for something. :-)



    I concur with the reviews. I brought out of town family there for my first time visit since I had heard some good things – man, was I SO embarassed I brought them to that sub-par Denny’s.

    I frequent Circa (cozy), Eats Market (urban fancy), Luna Park (best food), Skylark (funky) and Endolyne’s (greatly improved lately!) for some great breakfasts.

    In fact, going to Smarty Pants today, Geraldine’s on Saturday and Skylark on Sunday. Yeah, umm…I love brunch – can you tell?



    charleston cafe gets a big thumbs down from me. I have tried it twice and never been impressed. Jaks or Luna Park are my two faves. Both places I get exceptional service which is nice when you are paying for food that most could make @ home.



    we tried Charleston for brunch a few times earlier this year. It was…meh. Not raving great, but it wasn’t horrible either. It’s what I would call (and no offense meant here) an “old person” restaurant. It’s someplace I would take the BF’s 93 year old Grandma – it’s predictable, and has something for everyone.

    If we’re going to get up and out on a Sunday morning, it better be raving great. Which is why when we skip cooking at home we either do Skylark (ZOMG their Bloody Marys) or Jak’s (ZOMG!!! it’s an Eggs Benedict made with Filet Mignon, people!!)



    Gee, Christopher, defensive much? Actually, I consider banjo picking to be one of the South’s great contributions to American culture, though I never associated it with Charleston. Union busting, on the other hand, not so great.



    I would also like to add that I had the Crabcakes Benedict at the CharlesTOWN Cafe recently, and they were fabulous. Yeah, it looks like a Denny’s. Yeah, there were a lot of senior citizens there. (But hey, they know where to find a good breakfast!) And I can’t complain about the price ’cause it was way more food than I should have eaten by myself.


    me on 28th Ave SW

    I really like the Charlestown Street Cafe. Probably the main reason is because when I go there it’s to order the same thing, drink some coffee and visit. I’ve gone there for years and I guess it’s the kind of comforting touchstone a person migrates to when they want something stable in a changing world. I do understand the quandry for smikes; sounds like the owner’s behavior was pretty bad. Perhaps he should have put himself in time out? Really, the complaint was about HIM not the business itself. I like the suggestion of saying to him that it wasn’t appreciated, but as a lifelong Seattleite (pretty bad at conflict and correctly enunciating the words “Charlestown” and “West Seattle”) I can understand not speaking up. And special props to Wes C Addle for reminding me about the picture in that CD.



    Spring Hill. Awesome amazing in every way. GREAT brunch killer prices. Haven’t been for dinner, yet.



    Yeah crow, sure, but I think we’re talking about two different demographics here.



    Went to the Hangar Cafe for the first time this morning… LOVED it.

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