Price of a Martini

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    I just paid $10.50 for a dirty martini in WHITE CENTER….is that just a little outrageous??? (and stupid on my part)

    What do you pay and where(and is it any good?)



    well, did you get your money’s worth in taste and inebriation? :)

    it’s a free market thing, right? i’m not trying to be snide; i go where the quality bartenders mix and where i most enjoy the finished product, and not necessarily where the prices are lowest.

    and while i’m not a martini drinker, i often order upper-shelf booze for cocktails instead of cheaper happy hour-priced well drinks.

    i guess i’m saying that i think that cost and value are two different things.



    When I used to drink them, I’d make them at home because they’re too expensive when you order them out. I think you end up paying a premium just because the bartender has to put it in a shaker. The ingredients themselves aren’t any more expensive than any other cocktail mixed drink.



    Well or premium liquor?

    Remember that it’s not just the cost of ingredients. It’s also labor, insurance, rent, etc. etc. that go into the shaker along with the alcohol. I would usually just make them at home as well. ;-)



    Well, I guess White Center’s hit the big time. Hipsters discovered the taco trucks, and now this! (Please tell me your $10.50 martini didn’t come from a taco truck!)

    $10.50 will buy you 3 well martinis at Von’s. Are they any good? Under certain circumstances, yes!



    Martinis cost your moms house. Buy low sell high.



    Not that I drink them often, but if it is the very nice, welcoming and comfortable place I think you are referring to, they are definitely about the premium booze. As a matter of fact, the bartender is getting a reputation around the city for those martinis of hers.

    And the food is terrific and well-above average as well.

    You gets what you pay for there, fortunately. Great food. Premium booze. Very nice environment and good, interesting Company. ;)



    If it is top shelf booze I could see it costing that much regardless of location.


    2 Much Whine

    While White Center and Tokyo are worlds apart I recall paying $44 for a double Grey Goose dirty martini there about 5 years ago. That was before the tip. I did get some little crackers with it, though. I think it’s a lot cheaper to get to White Center so overall, you saved several thousand dollars! You did great!



    if you don’t want to pay $10 for a martini, drink a PBR and stop whining. A decent martini with top shelf liquor costs what it costs. Or I am sure you could pop down the street to Marv’s Broiler and get a nice $3 well won’t be good, but by god it’ll be cheap!



    Jeez, I’m with you on this one, SpeakLoud. That’s airport/5-star-hotel price, and worth it at the right time (like in an airport or 5-star hotel). But in White Center, that better be a top-shelf, 6-oz pour. A good martini (I don’t drink well liquor!) can be had for $8, probably not less.


    White Center is my favorite part of Seattle, but not where I’d go for a martini. Got to West 5 for a fun drink!



    Company Bar in White Center is I think where SpeakLoud is talking about, amalia. It’s a great new place just a few doors north of Proletariat, and I have had more than a few martinis there. :) I usually get mine everywhere with Hendricks, so I am used to paying more because it’s a top shelf liquor. (Also, I hope that martini was $11.50 once you tipped your bartender!)



    Most Martinis served are doubles. They need to be to fill-up the glass. Based on the shot size & cost you can expect to pay about double the price of a “regular” drink. Additionaly, after the second or third martini, you won’t really care about the price. Bottoms-up!



    The last martini I had was $9.




    Why would you feel better about paying premium prices for a top shelf martini served at West 5 in the junction?

    A premium product is a premium product no matter where it is served…



    Because one of the reasons I like to go to WC is for cheap, authentic, wonderful cuisine from countries I’ve visited and loved. Matter of preference. My favorite places in WC don’t have liquor licenses. When I want to play grown-up with a martini, I choose a different sort of spot. Never said I “felt better” about it. I feel great about patronizing restaurants in WC. And if you read my post, you may see that I was plugging West 5 as an aside because I think they have fun drinks. Never had a martini there.



    My favorite martini is the Quintenssential Gin. Not too many places carry that brand around except West 5 I think.



    What warms my heart, and gullet, is that MOST on this thread, when they speak of martinis, are talking about gin.

    Vodka has it’s place, but not where it is the primary ingredient/flavor.

    I’m lazy and cheap. I just keep a bottle of Cascade Mountain gin in the freezer. Swirl a bit of vermouth around a martini glass, pour the ice-cold gin, add a couple of olives. Perfect, and I didn’t get my shaker and swizzle stick damp.


    Genesee Hill

    Gibsons are also cool.




    I too go to White Center for kick-ass .. and cheap.. ethnic food

    but there is room for more than one kind of dining/drinking experience in White Center.



    Paid $7.50 tonight for gin martini, dry w/olives. $2/kebab w/rice Tuesday happy hour special. Tax + tip. $11.50

    That included pleasant interesting people who I now say hi to and pleasant interesting tunes in the background. That’s why ya’ should go. Oh, and the art installation…can’t forget the art.



    quoth maplesyrup:

    I think you end up paying a premium just because the bartender has to put it in a shaker.

    i think you end up paying a premium because there are four or five middle men standing between you and that booze. but the seemingly-exorbitant overhead on liquor is probably one of a very few places where a bartender/bar owner can look for consistent profit.

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