Pit Bulls

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    ok, back to dogs…

    it isn’t just one pit bull that is nice lattemom… it’s most of them.

    unfortunately, there are owners like the one that owned those two pit bulls…. who have been cited more than once by animal control and who do not license their pets that give the entire breed a bad name.

    A thousand dollars isn’t enough… especially since he probably won’t pay it.

    if there are criminal charges to file… i hope they file them… and i hope he never gets to have another dog.

    if i was his neighbor, i would report him any time i saw a dog on his premises… whether that dog was visiting or not.

    as for kids with baggy pants… it’s a few of them that give the rest a bad name.

    my nephew is a mid-level officer in the navy (ok.. i am lousy with titles) and when he is home on leave he is in those baggy pants… and he is so white and upper middle class…. drives a fully restored 68 mustang… and he did most of the work himself.

    and to dissenting opinions.. we might get a few more reasoned dissenting opinions if the thread didn’t degenerate into a brawl on a regular basis.

    BTW.. the kennel people love my little cujos and they can come back any time… and i did get licked to death both before and after i walked them.

    people always say they are lucky dogs that i rescued them… but i am the lucky one:)



    I still think Lattemom would be more comfortable living somewhere else, like Yakima — oh, wait, some people there speak Spanish. Let’s see, maybe somewhere in Idaho or Montana…

    I’m sorry, I can’t always resist. It’s like calling “woof woof” to a pitbull on the other side of a fence just to get it riled up.



    actually more like Mayberry circa 1950 something



    Well getting through all 4 pages of this thread was worth the effort once I got to that which is the sanity and clarity of JoB’s words (and JanS too!). I think I literally gloss over ‘other’ people’s postings…until I see your names and then I join back in. Oh and welcome home JoB…glad your Cujo’s did so well while you were gone :)



    agreed, barmargia.



    I liked life much better without the politcal coreect crap that goes on today. More is celebrated for Quanza, and other faiths from third world countries than Christian holidays, they have all but just been banned becuase god forbid that mention GOD!! Being told to say Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas at our kids school was outragous, we are Christians not from Africa!! People come to the U.S. and never learn to speak English, to survive we would all have to learn to speak Spanish, or any other language. It is pure ignorance.

    Wearing baggy pants wi sloppy dressing. Wearing tennis shoes in a professional office like real estate, a bank, or anyother professional office other than an office located in Harbor Island in a machine shop is sloppy, sorry but is shows you don’t care, regardless if your boss allows you to it is not professional. The whole dress code of professional dressing has been gone for years now and I rarely see a man in a suit and tie or a woman in heels and a skirt or dress downtown and that was the norm back 7 years ago when I worked, we cold not show our elbows as we had to wear a jacket with our suits or skirts/dresses.

    I will never be sold that Pit Bulls are kind dogs, they are a very aggressive breed. As for the jerk who owned those pit bulls in the lastest local attack he deserves alot more than a $1,000 fine which he probably won’t pay. He will simply get another dog train it to be mean and another innocent person or animal will get bitten.

    As for the Spanish people, at our daughters school there are a huge number of Spanish families and I will say they are the most friendly, down to earth and eager learners of English to better themselves and well as the kids life. I would love to live in Montana or Idaho, that way my husband coukd go derr, and elk hunting all his wanted. We would love another mount on the wall!!



    Lattemom, I don’t even know where to start with your tirade…oh, yeah, let’s start with it’s KWANZAA or KWAANZA. I would go on more but your ignorance makes my head hurt and my stomach turn. Oh, but by the way I am Christian, and I’m pretty sure that Christian teaching is for tolerance, so you might want to double check your religion.



    <i>he stil dresses that way, speaks with a slang, has tattos all over and a police record he will not get very far. He has been looking for a job for over 2 years, so what did that life with a gang serve? Nothing!! He would have been better off saying no to the gang and not caring what others want or think and believe in himself.</i>

    Gee. I hear this and I think of a bunch of different reasons maybe he hasn’t found a job.

    * inner-city life generally does not prepare a person for a corporate job, as far as workplace skills are concerned

    * maybe he has skills, but is having the same problem many, many other people are having in this economy of simple supply and demand

    * maybe he is striving to find a workplace that will accept him regardless of his mode of dress or the color of his skin — my current workplace sincerely does not care one whit about what we wear to work, with a dress code of “wear clothes. try to make sure they’re not too ripped up. oh, and shoes.” When you work in the tech industry and working 15 hour days during crunch time to get product out the door on time… why does it matter what you wear while cranking out code? This city was built on the tech industry. The tech industry doesn’t care about dress codes. Get used to it.

    * maybe his skillset is fairly unique and he is having trouble finding his “niche” — been there, done that, it sure does suck!

    I realize that I shouldn’t really be “feeding the troll” as the saying goes, but I just cannot believe the incredible intolerance, judgemental attitude, and entitlement being displayed in this discussion.



    lattemom – Why are you concerned with what people wear to work? Help me see why this affects you.

    People that don’t speak English. This is the land of the free and people don’t have to learn English to live here. I know that if I were to live in another country, I think the first thing I would do is learn the language, but that’s just me. I understand your frustration in that regard.

    What I find frustrating is that a lot of companies outsource to India. Try rearranging a flight over the phone with someone in India. It’s impossible. Well, I guess it’s cheaper so that makes it okay. I’m glad that I work for a Company that, I believe, would NEVER do that.

    Anyways, I know this post had nothing to do with dogs, but I think everyone is pretty much done with that topic. Sorry anyways.



    hopey, I think you brought up some good points. However, my question is, who doesn’t know how you should dress for an interview? I’m sure you dressed up a bit for your initial interview at your current job and any other job you’ve had.

    I don’t understand the issue. Or, I should say, why this is an issue. Who really cares about some guy that didn’t get a job because he was dressed sloppy. He didn’t get the job and now maybe, next time, he’ll wear something else.



    Lattemom, why don’t you actually *get* a job and then we can talk about what is professional and what is appropriate in the workplace. I am considered a professional by my bosses whether I wear tennis shoes or dress shoes.

    I honestly wish that WSB would ban you because you are a troll.



    LOL!!!!!!! Heh Heh!! :)



    Again, ditto Kayleigh. Lattemom, welcome to 2008. Things are different from “when you worked 7 years ago.” Why don’t you get off your butt and get a job and then talk to me about what’s appropriate at work. Like hopey, I also work in the tech industry and no one cares what you wear when you’re behind a computer all day. If the freaking CEO wears jean shorts to work, I think it’s okay for me to wear jeans. I do own a suit which I have worn for interviews, but as soon as you’re in the door, you assimilate with company culture. Everyone would probably assume I was interviewing for another job if I showed up to work in a suit, lol.



    this certainly has been interesting reading. I’m the other “cranky old lady” on here…and I am a professional in the sense that my “job” is considered a professioinal service. I work at home, I wear comfy clothing, stretch pants, sometimes sweats, and I work, for the most part, barefooted. And I see clients…and they don’t mind because they aren’t there for my clothes, they are there for the professional service that I provide for them. While I was reading Lattemom’s idea of a workplace, and how one should dress, I had a picture in my mind of “stepford” workers – lol..they dress great, know nothing about their jobs..hehe…oh, well.

    Andrea..thanks for the kind words…and, by the way, part of my job is being “psychic” – lol..do you know that you’ve been to see me in the past to avail yourself of my professional services? hehehe

    JoB…I’m so glad to see you back…



    Well, isn’t that interesting… so lattemom is happy that “she” got Kayleigh to blow her cool…

    and we haven’t seen house lately, but lattemom is back. hmmmmm…….

    just adding fuel to a fire that should burn itself out:(

    I don’t care who you are lattemom.

    This has truly reached a ridiculous point.

    If you want to play that way… i don’t play.

    talk nice to others.. if you once knew how to dress i am pretty sure you know how to speak politely as well.

    you are giving Christians a bad name… and that offends me.

    Do you know how to spell bigot?

    and yes.. i just crossed my own line.

    time for chocolate.

    lots of chocolate!



    Sure load up on the fats that should do the trick!!

    Just because I see that people in general downtown Seattle dress sloppy, kids wear baggy disgusting pants showing their bottoms, I don’t care to be harassed while eating with my family, that I do not care for aggressive dogs, that if people want the freedo of the U.S. they should at the very least learn the English language, hey why not they get all the priviledges of an American born Citizen when they get their Visa’s, Look who is calling the kettle black lady!

    I don’t have to agree with any of you people, you don’t have to agree with me. This is a discussion forum, get it!! Not an all agree forum.

    JanS, you missed my point totally, I was not talking about people who work at home, just people working Downtown Seattle. We don’t go Downtown much anymore since having to deal with the smokers and the homeless we go to the mall.



    Hmmm, at my office we have two dogs that are at work nearly every day,nd have been for the last 5 years. A jack russel terrier and a pit bull. There aren’t too many people in our office(less than 15) and everyone is more than okay with having the dogs at work.

    Other than my own dog (a pug), I have never met a sweeter pup than the pit bull. The jack russel clearly has anger issues, but we don’t mind too much b/c he’s small and for the most part harmless. In fact, on days when I know that the J R won’t be in the office I bring my pug in to play with the pit bull. There are nice pit bulls out there. (And Jack Russels too, just not the one in my office (: )



    mjd.. my little cujos are shiba inus which are really just japanese rat terriers in a different package and not as easy going… my hubby would love to take them to work with him and could… but thought better of it since either dogs or people are always there and one dog is good with people and the other with dogs:)

    as for a dress code.. i asked him what his boss wore to work. Baggy shorts and sandals or trainers… year round. hubby is actually way over dressed in chinos… tho not likely to change the dressing habits of a lifetime:)

    all that… downtown… for one of the biggest companies in Seattle. imagine that;-)

    lattemom… unless you speak politely, we no longer have anything to talk about.



    Seriously now, I’ve become convinced Lattemom is a troll and I think the game is over.



    JoB.. my boss always wears jeans and cowboy boots!

    I find it amusing that a discussion re: pit bulls has evolved to – what is appropriate office attire?! I guess that is what I get when jumping in late.



    jerald.. you may be wise …

    and it is possible i was more right than i knew when i associated lattemom and house…

    read the voice in the generation gap thread… doesn’t sound much like lattemom…

    i am tired of playing. i think all trolls should go back to their west seattle bridge because this fairy goodmother is checking out for the night



    Ok, house and LatteMom are 2 different people, or we would like you to think so!!

    LatteMom does have a nice side and she showed it on the generation gap thread didn’t she??

    Oh, it is too enticely to assume another identity, but who am I really? TheHouse signed on as LatteMom or am signed on as LatteMom but really The House???? Watch and see!



    When my nephew was 10 months old he was attacked and bitten by the family dog. He needed to plastic surgeries to repair the damage to his face. The family bought the dog from a breeder (a long time friend of the family) with a good reputation when it was 8 weeks old. The dog was trained, well loved and never abused and yet for no apparent reason the dog seriously injured a child who had nothing to arouse the dog except walk by at the wrong time. The dog was a labrador retriever one of the most popular dog breeds for families. You cannot judge an individual dog’s temperament on breed (just as you cannot judge an individual person on race). Kudos to those of you who recognize your Cujos and deal with them appropriately. The sad reality is some people do not make informed decisions when choosing a pet. All dogs can be dangerous (personally, I am far more fearful of the toy or miniature breeds than I am of the large breeds) and should never be off-leash in a public place unless it is in an off-leash dog parks. I know I will receive flack about this but let’s face it folks dogs are predators we have domesticated. It is a tribute to the canine’s good-natured acceptance of us that we don’t have more bites and attacks.

    And in reference to Lattemom I know she is NOT a troll. She truly believes what she writes. She will always attack when she feels cornered i.e., whenever anyone disagrees with her. Trying to have a reasonable discussion with her on any topic is impossible. She is incapable of seeing anything beyone herself. Let us all hope she gets the help she truly needs.



    And that I learn to proofread my posts before I hit the send button!



    you know, “hehehehe” doesn’t bother me, but lattemom’s maniacal “LoL!!!!! Heh Heh” creeps me out.

    In regards to lattemom not being a troll, at least if she was a troll we could say she was saying all of this stuff because she was trying to get us riled up. But if she is indeed not a troll and she is still saying all of this and she truly believes it then I’m pretty sure that just makes her an bigot. So I hope she is a troll because bigots are much more dangerous.

    Everyone have a great day at work, me, my jeans and tattoos will be.

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