I am retiring soon (early July)and will be offering myself as a Pet Sitter for your fur babies. I can stay overnight or come during the day in West Seattle. My rate is $30 per night for overnight sits and we can negotiate for day visits. If I can help you please let me know and I can give you a call to discuss. Thanks.
Hello I work for a man named Jack that has a dog walking pet sitting business with well off clients in the Belltown area easy to get to clients homes by bus. He needs some over nights done and I don’t want to leave my cats alone at home during fourth of July cause off all the fireworks noise. His over night fees are $70 and its split 50% so you would make $35 for the night with two dog walks for potty breaks. This is his website if interested:https://belltowndogwalker.com/services-and-rates/
This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by Bombay. Reason: Misspelled a word
We would be very interested in talking with you about petsitting. We have an upcoming trip in August and will be needing a petsitter for our 6-month old puppy. We live in the Luna Park area.
Please respond and let us know when we can get together to discuss.
Hi Diane, I’d be happy to discuss. Why don’t you send me an email at unitedwalk@yahoo.com with your info and I can give you a call and we can set up a meeting – will that work? Thanks – Scott