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June 1, 2012 at 8:23 pm #759572
oddrealityParticipantYou can [and we do] have the best seal teams in the world but if you do not know when to deploy them it does not matter. Thank goodness Obama knew when.
Dubya? No clue or no will.
June 2, 2012 at 12:03 am #759573
dobroParticipantDang! Just when I thought it would be Fast and Furious, here comes the “Hussein gets no credit for killing Osama” teamed with the “forget Bush-nothing happened before Hussein became Prez and then all he** broke loose” number.
C’mon let’s have something besides the greatest hits. Don’t you have something about how fantastic Mitt Rmoney is?
June 2, 2012 at 12:31 am #759574
SmittyParticipant“Don’t you have something about how fantastic Mitt Rmoney is?”
You mean besides two advanced degrees from Harvard – a combined JD/MBA in four years compared to Obama’s three year JD(Democrats can look those up), a sterling (according to the great Bill Clinton) business career. A lowering of an already very low unemployment rate while governor, and salvaging the Salt Lake City Olympics?
No. Not really.
Unless you count not eating his dog.
June 2, 2012 at 1:11 am #759575
dobroParticipantI thought you guys hated the “elites” from Harvard! No? And didn’t you hear about Mass. being 47th out of 50 states in job creation while Mitty was on duty? Or about how Mitt salvaged the Olympics with a federal money “bailout”?
June 2, 2012 at 1:17 am #759576
dobroParticipantPS can you tell us about some other really great accomplishments he had as governor of Mass.? He doesn’t seem to want to talk much about it. Too modest, maybe?
(What I expect to hear: Hey, what did Obama do when he was a Senator?)
June 2, 2012 at 1:19 am #759577
kootchmanMemberwhat do you expect from a state with an 80% Democratic house and senate… you should be surprised they had any job growth. It was called “Taxachussetts” after all. Yes he did use federal funds… BUT… now here’s the big difference…. his use was a success! He knew how to use them. See the diff? Competent, projects succeed, incompetent, Solyndra. Obama as Senator… he voted “present” 100 times. Stunning success. He was Mr. No Show in the Senate.
June 2, 2012 at 1:23 am #759578
It was already at a low 5% when he took the job and he reduced it to 4.7% (that’s almost a 10% reduction)! If he “inherited a rate of say – 7.8% – then a huge reduction would be expected. It would be a gimme!
Oh wait.
June 2, 2012 at 1:24 am #759579
kootchmanMemberHe wouldn’t have had them to deploy if it wasn’t for RR, and Dubya… but he made the call once they confirmed he was there. But anyone who thinks we would have even had those teams with him as president the previous 8 years is a wishful thinker. In fact, his entire foreign policy is nothing but a continuation of the capabilities Rumsfeld ordered. He should be damn grateful for the tool kit he got. But he will leave his successor a row boat and a hang glider if he gets a second term.
June 2, 2012 at 1:29 am #759580
JoBParticipantstart up technology vs the Olympics
hands off federal investor vs in charge
inherited the project vs asked for the project
which of these do you think is easier to make a success?
June 2, 2012 at 1:46 am #759581
SmittyParticipantSpeaking of the Olympics, that reminds me:
Was this before of after his Nobel Peace Prize? Well earned, btw.
June 2, 2012 at 2:06 am #759582
Golly, it’s too bad that Wilson the Great (One) isn’t still with us.
Although I personally feel that this Wilson would have made a much better President….
June 2, 2012 at 2:48 am #759583
dobroParticipant“Obama as Senator… he voted “present” 100 times.”
Ah, you never disappoint! BTW, don’t you mean Hussein? And when do you think Rumsfeld should pick up his medal for killing Osama?
Oh, and I’m ready for some more of that “equally or more well armed than the state” horsepucky. Can you play that one just one more time?
June 2, 2012 at 6:35 am #759584
kootchmanMemberCan you do or add something other than be a a little bitty snitty? No? Ok well follow along closely then, little grasshopper.
June 2, 2012 at 6:45 am #759585
kootchmanMemberI said he made the call… it had grave political risks. The “credit” though goes to the men who slid down the fast lines… for an agonizing 75 minutes he watched it on a big screen TV… and of course, then slipped very detailed and compartmentalized information to his Hollywood friends to fluff up a campaign image and a hastily crafted Seal Team 6 dramatization. The fellahs who did the heavy lifting sure appreciated that.. Yea, we think Obama is a real toughie… just the kind of guy ya want in the foxhole with ya. Just ferocious. A regular Jimmy Carter.
June 2, 2012 at 8:04 am #759586
dobroParticipantI forgot the Jimmy Carter riff. It’s a well worn standard but, man, you play the heck out of it. C’mon, tell us just how bad Jimmy was…that’s worth 500 words right there!
June 2, 2012 at 12:06 pm #759587
kootchmanMemberGot a better one…. 1.2 BILLION loans grants, for electric cars and batteries…. result. total cars produced, 49,800, total electric cars sold…. 31,760. whooopeee! It’s just taxpayer dollars. O’ m’gosh, it’s Bush’s fault again, and congress, AND if it smells bad the rest of the summer,… he has a preemptive excuse … Europe. That’s clever… he has a cheat chit… excuses and blame for the rest of his presidency.
June 2, 2012 at 12:14 pm #759588
kootchmanMemberYea and we were getting lower healthcare costs too…
Last year, the 19-year-old from Hutchinson, Kan. paid $600 for health insurance coverage. But in the fall, Johnson will have to pay $1,330 – an amount he said is “becoming unaffordable.
“Due to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA – commonly known as health care reform), the cost of student health insurance has doubled,” read the letter from the college’s human resources department. “In addition, most insurance carriers are hesitant to provide contracts for this insurance due to the unpredictability of the cost of the claims.
But… he will loan ya more money! Hurrah, hurrah…
June 2, 2012 at 4:16 pm #759589
what’s your problem?
he didn’t stand on an aircraft carrier and announce HIS victory to the world
you keep telling us that everything that happens on his watch is his fault..
then Osama is his fault too.
the Pakistan government certainly seems to think so.
they just prosecuted the man who helped verify Osama’s presence for treason.
June 2, 2012 at 4:45 pm #759590
waynsterParticipantkootch heathcare has been rising faster then any other service its mind boggling for both party’s on why and the insurance industry loves the cash so why try to hold down cost……4 yrs from now the world will be saying that President Obama was just fine and just like former President Bush he had his ups and he had his downs….. can’t look into the future just yet crystal ball bulb out so we will have to wait and see…..
June 3, 2012 at 8:59 am #759591
kootchmanMemberNo, actually college is rising faster than healthcare.. those federal loans are like kerosine on a fire… just like cheap mortgages blew up housing proces. .. some things are predictable… but not clear as crystal.,,, if the government subsidises it… we see more of it , at higher cost, with more waste…. that tends to hold true. wouldn’t you like to go back to fee for service healthcare? Ask anyone with a health savings account. Breaking the financial backs of the millennials to pay for the boomers is not economic opportunity. One thing he has achieved, he has spent more money buying votes with debt burdens than any president in history. Yea JoB… he has a great relationship with Pakistan. I see how much stronger it is. Jobs, jobs, jobs… are you better off today than you were four years ago?
June 3, 2012 at 3:15 pm #759592
“Breaking the financial backs of the millennials to pay for the boomers is not economic opportunity”
you seem to forget that the backs of the boomers paid for the economic opportunity of the millenials kootch…
but then you forget.. or just ignore.. a lot of things.
June 3, 2012 at 3:21 pm #759593
btw.. thank you for asking…
am i better off than i was 4 years ago?
as it happens, yes i am.
and as a result
some homeless people are better off than they were a year ago…
but the sad fact is that it will take a lot more than 4 years to clean up the economic mess created by Republicans last time they were in charge…
especially since they are so resistant to anything that would actually improve conditions for anyone but the top 1%
who btw.. have made a killing off of the economic conditions that are killing the rest of us.
and it will take a lot more than the generosity of those of us who are doing a little better to help those who live on our streets…
it will take jobs programs kootch
since trickle down clearly hasn’t accomplished that task
it’s past time the US government did
we can pay for it by ending corporate welfare
there.. neat tidy package ;->
June 3, 2012 at 9:01 pm #759594
kootchmanMemberNo JoB.. we didn’t. Let’s at least tell it like it is. One, we are consuming far more than we put into the system. we asked for so much, they had to use our “retirement” funds to pay for the pork and dump IOU’s by the truckload. Now our parents actually invested more and took less…for our benefit..but we are not doing the same. Those IOU’s will be paid by others. Our medicare is negative tracking.. we have to borrow to meet it’s current obligations. We are screwing the millenials to the floor and they know it, Yhe government doesn’t have anythng to trickle down… what is so hard to understand about having to borrow .40 cents of every dollar we spend? All the federal government does is take half off the top, the state takes a cut.. and then, maybe… there are some scraps for ya. Government spending is the ultimate trickle down…more like an enlarged prostate stream. You keep talking about corporate welfare as the ships keep leaving harbor…we could also kill off needles welfare. well if he makes as much progress as he has the last three years….AND blew through 13 trillion … funny money and his two stimulus packages…. do you actually know how much cash reserves US Corporations are holding?… about 2 trillion… that’s all. I’ll take trickle down anytime… rather than piss it away. Our GDP can’t even keep pace with population….where do you think all this money is going to come from? we can’t pay for it.. our GDP isn’t large enough if you took 100 per cent of corporate profits….. we spend more than we produce.. Yep… we spend more than our economy produces, let alone taxing the profits. You have no idea how deep this dude is burying us. A lot of us didn’t get killed …. the ones that didn’t hang on to an average debt load that was at the time of the crash… over 30 per cent of the average household income. We were as much a participant as the government/crony connection. BTW,…. Bain paid more to the Obama campaign in 08 and has contributed less, but still more to Obama than Romney…. I am fine with handing out shovels and improving trails and parks, but investing in corporate jobs? Not on your life. I like the Roney job program… cut government spending, simplify the tax code, and cut the damn corporate tax rate and actually collect the revenue from a simplified, 20 per cent corporate rate. No more darling industries … like your pin wheels, electric cars, solar panels, or government employees. He hasen’t made any progress… none. we have a lower U6m, 6 trillion more in debt, and the lowest rate of start ups in 50 years..and 24 million jobs short…. glad you are better off. Few are, most aren’t.
June 4, 2012 at 7:32 am #759595
kootchmanMemberWow it’s working!!! The USA and Obamanonics .. 132,000 households dropped out of the millionaire status… and the income of the top 1 per cent declined 2 1/2 per cent last quarter. I wonder, could it be coincidence that the last three months of downward revisions by DOL of job creations could be linked? Maybe a drop of GDP to less than 2% is related? And unemployment on the rise again.. well of course it is…. people who lose wealth… cut spending and seek shelter not risk. redblack you were right.. construction spending is up for the same period… 3/10ths of one per cent… thats .003. Is that robust enough for you?
June 4, 2012 at 2:28 pm #759596
just curious…
exactly what did you hope would change when Obama was elected?
i suspect we don’t define those words the same way.
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