Orthodontist – who do you like?

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    The dentist has referred my daughter to the orthodontist so we went for a consult and got the price. YIKES! We were expecting it to cost a good bit but not this much and when speaking to friends and family in other parts of Western Washington they all said “we only paid $xxxx”.

    So I am interested in a second opinion and second price but want a good ortho. Or am I just in shock over urban prices vs. suburban prices?

    Who would you recommend?




    I am going to Dr. Travis Sorenson, who I think is great. His office is very flexible in working out a payment plan, so that made the long term work affordable to me. Plus, all of my visits and work have been comfortable nad expertly completed, AND, Sorenson has straightened out some things in my mouth that I deemed impossible. He’s also a very pleasent and direct guy.



    Not in West Seattle, but Dr. Robert Cohanim on First Hill is excellent and has creative ways of paying for the work.



    i promise you ANY orthodontist you go to now will underbid the first quote you received if you mention it to thwm






    I can tell you who not to go to – Heidi Horowicz. I made a huge mistake by going to her and now I’m stuck. Very unprofessional. I should have done more research first. It’s a bad situation.



    I go to Seattle Orthodontics in the Admiral area, next to Mud Bay. I’m only a few months into it, but I really like Dr. Hou. He (and all the staff) is very professional and kids seem to love being there. The facility is quite nice too – clean premises, good equipment, simple contemporary decor, with an added zen element out the back window (which is a nice de-stressing agent for some of us). They also have a variety of payment options to choose from. Good luck in your search!



    I’ll offer a counterpoint on Heidi Horowitz. She and her staff have been great to work with for my two kids, as well as several friends who have taken their kids there with similar results. They have also been extremely helpful in working the bugs out with insurance providers.

    As with all things, your results may vary. Choice is good.



    No recommendations except make sure your daughter wears her retainer when the braces are taken off! I’m sure my Dad cringes every time my brother opens his mouth to show off what a mess he made of his teeth after years of braces. However, he paid up front and says it was the best money he ever spent on us kids since we went through a few pairs, many retainers and that sweet head gear. Good luck finding the right orthodontist!



    Not sure if you like going out to Burien, but Donna Seeley is amazing – she did my teeth about 10 years ago and my teeth are still super-straight. Highly recommended.



    I’ll second the counterpoint on Heidi Horowitz. I had braces as a teenager and had to have them again in my 40s. She did a great job and I would not hesitate to recommend her again. I don’t think that she may be the cheapest but it worked for me.



    donna seely was great i also went to her.



    I had 3 kids go thru Dona Seely’s office and ran into practically everyone from West Seattle there eventually.



    My children see Dr. Travis Sorensen. His office is in Burien. Although it has been a hike from WSea, it has been WELL WORTH IT! I would like to say, I did my research…a lot! I could not be happier with whom we chose to see. He is opening his office in WSea this summer. Yeah!!! Much closer :) He is amazing and my children’s smile proves it!!


    me on 28th Ave SW

    I am a current patient of Dr Jorge Peralta (he and Dr Dona Seely share the practice in Burien). Both of my nieces and my son were patients of Dr Seely, while both my daughter and I are seeing Dr Peralta. They are both wonderful. We have never had problems getting appointments, getting fit in for emergency (snapped wire! lost retainer! wire poking jaw!), finding parking etc. They have also been very helpful with the finances; after a down-payment they spread out my monthly payments (interest free) over the course of the expected treatment duration. Having up-to-date magazines, a coffee/tea stations and nearby stores to run errands (Trader Joes!) helps as well. He has made remarkable progress in my amazingly misaligned bite (no more jaw pain) so far. Here is their website http://www.burienortho.com/



    Our daughter has been a patient of Dr. Heidi Horwitz now for over 1 year and we ae very pleased with the care and attention taken for her braces. The staff Robin, Tracy and Jennifer are nothing but friendly and attentive. Aloy depends on what your insurance will cover we get a $2,500 max for orthodontic care per family member and have paid up front very little out of pocket. Colored braces, friendly staff, convenient location.



    I would NOT recommend Dr. Horwitz, I agree with the other posts…I found the office to be unprofessional and more importantly the work was not very good (I later found out from my Dentist ). Alot of time was wasted on bad decisions made by her and I would definately not go there and strongly recommend you get other opinions.



    Another family that used Sealy in Burien



    Another shout out for Dr. Sorenson. He now has an office on California Ave. Great staff, and strait forward billing and service. No complaints here.



    Another YES to Dr. Hou at Seattle Orthodontists…and I found it true that they offered several payment plans. Very happy with my teeth so far too…

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