Original Music

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  • #587455

    Dear West Seattle folks,

    I am a videographer here in West Seattle. We are doing mostly weddings and other social events. We are very interesting in promoting local musicians by using their original music in our wedding videos. We can’t pay anything, but we always give credit to the artist with links to website, album cover, names, etc on the videos and soon on our website/blog. If you can think of a musician who might like this kind of promotion/partnership, we’d love to hear the music and get together. Thank you kindly!

    Rob and Kelley, Standing Ovation Films



    With all due kindness and respect, and though this seems to be a great service, this seems like an advertisement, which our “keymasters” do not allow to be posted on the forum.

    Please see following link:




    I beg to differ. If the post was worded something like “Greetings! We run a wedding video service and if you’re having a wedding soon we’d like to help you keep those memories on video. Call us today!” Then I would say it’s an advertisement.

    The way it’s worded it’s a videographer here in West Seattle asking West Seattle musicians if they’d be interested in partnering to put music to videos as an opportunity for those musicians to get exposure.

    As a musician myself (who’s played a few weddings) I’d be happy to have such an opportunity IF I had the time and I were looking for that kind of exposure for my music.



    I agree, they are not selling anything.



    I can’t get the song ‘Love Stinks’ – J. Geils (from the movie ‘The Wedding Singer’) out of my mind.



    It sounded as if it were – but if two others agree that it is not I’m outnumbered.

    My mistake and apologies. (and greetings!) Hope I did not offend.



    No offense!! Yeah, I’m just happy to help out local musicians and if I can do it with what I’m doing with video…Hooray!!! I was sure to contact the editor of the WSB before I posted this…wanted to make sure I had the okay and this is how they advised me to do it. I’m so thankful for the help WSB!



    Thanks, TG, for being watchful, we really appreciate it, as indeed some posts do wind up being ads in sheep’s clothing (???) … and while we do want to support local businesses, we have really cheap ways that can be done (being seen 17,000 times a day for a few bucks) when there’s not another peg, as there was in this case, and thanks again to SO for asking first … TR


    You’re welcome and thanks West Seattle folks…you’re the best. So…if anyone has any original music to share…we’d really enjoy meeting you and hearing your music! We just think there’s NOTHING like original music. You know, wedding videos can be really personal and part of that, for us, is telling the story by using the right music. So we think the more we know about the person who wrote that music, the more special it can be to telling the story, the more meaningful it will be to our clients, to us, and to the talented musician/songwriter who created it. I enjoy seeing how a song can mean so many things to so many people and it’s important to get your music heard so that journey can begin. Anyways, thanks again, everyone!

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