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September 12, 2011 at 11:09 pm #600544
kootchmanMemberWonder if this will be a precursor election. The Democrats went wild when upstate NY unseated a Republican district ( Buffalo area) but the NY 9th district… hasn’t gone Republican since 1923… even in the landslide RR elections… the most he got was 38% … Queens and Brooklyn.. this is the beating heart of jewish liberalism. If this goes Republican. This should be interesting. It should never have been close…this was Democratic territory inviolate..
September 12, 2011 at 11:26 pm #734347
charlabobParticipantMore of that wonderful R* optimism. We’ll see how it goes for you.
September 12, 2011 at 11:26 pm #734348
JanSParticipantbut you’re hoping, aren’t you?
September 13, 2011 at 1:49 am #734349
SmittyParticipantIt would be like Baghdad Jim losing in Seattle. Pretty big deal (but they have to keep the Democrat voter fraud at bay).
September 13, 2011 at 2:46 am #734350
JanSParticipantPretty offensive calling him Baghdad Jim. Why do you have a problem with his name? And..who keeps the Repub voter fraud at bay? It goes both ways, kind sir.
September 13, 2011 at 3:13 am #734351
elikapekaParticipantSmitty, can you give me a recent example of voter fraud? Haven’t heard of any, even though the righties keep trying to float that balloon.
Now election fraud and vote suppression by the righties, that’s another story….
September 13, 2011 at 7:00 am #734352
kootchmanMemberi would start by looking at this….
Intimidation at the polls? This balloon floats…. ask DOJ…
September 13, 2011 at 7:02 am #734353
kootchmanMemberWell…. I am concerned… the Democrats have done their job… they found another Jimmy Carter….. but for some reason we have yet to find the RR match-up….
September 13, 2011 at 9:02 am #734354
JanSParticipantyou want an RR match-up? Seriously? We’ll see who the Rebubs give as a candidate..scary Perry? not so sure he would win a national election. Romney? Not sure about him, either. And the rest of the pack might as well face the music, like Pawlenty did.
September 13, 2011 at 1:31 pm #734355
redblackParticipantjan: embrace the name “baghdad” jim. our rep was the only one with guts enough to visit baghdad 3 days before the bombs started falling. he came back and told bush, “there’s no reason to go to war there.” the right wing thought that was pretty cute. they’re just words, after all.
i also like the name “porkulus.” republicans sure didn’t mind taking some of that pork. they were against it before they were for it, don’t ya know.
yep. they’re just words. republicans know that, and when they say “voter fraud,” they’re making stuff up out of whole cloth and they know it. ask them for specific examples of dead people or illegal immigrants voting, and they’ll find one or two examples. probably pulled right out of one of their guerilla blogger’s backsides.
however, when democrats say “election fraud,” we’re talking about suing to stop the florida recount, gerrymandering, losing/finding ballots in wisconsin – all of those things are very real tactics for republican leadership, and they’re tacitly endorsed by the rank and file.
and here we are in NY-9. bill kristol is trying to buy the seat for his masters and inflame anti-obama sentiment among jews. just more right-wing fear-mongering fueled by private money. it’s what they do best.
September 14, 2011 at 1:26 am #734356
kootchmanMemberredblack… soooo selective. Lets chat about the Democrats and ACORN voter fraud in NV shall we? Or the Chinese funnel into the Clinton campaign… you do remember that one don’t you? There are of course more. I will say in favor of most conservatives… that I know.. they aren’t afraid to source multiple sources of information. Well, we will see… they Democrats have called in the star power..and and spending tons of money of the ground game in the 9th … sooo… your conclusion is… that despite almost a century of sraight ticket, Democratic voting, the same people who voted for Obama, Shumar, Clinton, … all of sudden are so easily swayed, fooled,…? Maybe, just maybe… the electorate has decided this is the worst presidency and the democrats the worst possible choice in modern politic? They want a reverse course and change this tune congressman… that’s all it is. Can’t live with the idea that an electorate decides who represents their interests … unless of course it is a Democrate? You don’t want democracy… you sorta have that facist trend towards state, above all… oops 6.33.. the election is over… wonder what happened..?
September 14, 2011 at 5:25 am #734357
redblackParticipantand he goes down swinging!
electorates don’t decide who represents their interests. the media does. and the media votes whichever way the money’s flowing.
September 14, 2011 at 10:17 am #734358
kootchmanMemberNo credible evaluation can say the dominant media is conservative, not even vaguely so. Could you even imagine the press coverage if a mob of Tea Party radicals broke into a building, destroyed private property and forcibly detained with the threat of violence, the occupants? The longshoreman got a free pass. Luckily, two of the guards have announced they are filing mulitmillion dollar lawsuits …against the individuals and the union. The liberal media love fest with Democrats is unabated. NY is THE heart of liberal media. … stunning numbers… over 53 per cent of the voters went Republican… unprecedented … beat Reagans record by 13 per cent. big numbers. The RNC… dropped not a dime.. despite a huge influx of Democrate money, DNC money…over a 1000 door to door get out the vote foot soldiers… Clinton and Cuomo robo calling….like I said even RR in his landslide never came close to these numbers.. and by golly, they retained a Nevada seat. The Obama “take the poison pill” express is stalling I see..finally even Democrats are wondering why he flopped that dead fish on the table..he can’t carry his base, independents are at 22 per cent approval, and you know Republicans are going to the polls for ANY candidate other than Obama. even Harry Reid says he has doubts it will get through the Democratic controlled Senate! It was a transparant attempt get votes.. we all saw the first stimulus package…this is the same old tired program he dragged out during the deficit reduction “talks” where he overplayed his hand. Remember how “tough” Obama got with BeBe Netanyahu? Refused to pose with a head of state for pictures, …after Netenyahu refused to sign concession documents for Obama to wave in the air … he left to dine in private… is there anything he can do .. right? Netenyahu took him to the woodshed. The liberal media just gushed with fawning praise for the way Obama handled it. Gosh… could it happen? A house controlled by Republicans, the Senate, and the Whitehouse? November 8… 2012.. the US economy finally gets a recovery underway. Bury the canary
September 14, 2011 at 1:20 pm #734359
redblackParticipantthe “media” isn’t liberal, kootch. they are owned by time/warner, comcast/universal, sony (or whoever owns CBS), and news corp. they don’t ever opine on anything in any way that i agree with and they don’t cover a tenth of what they should.
a perfect example: in the tea party express/CNN debate the other night, at least two candidates were absent: buddy roemer and gary johnson. why weren’t they invited? they are serious candidates, having met the criteria to file to run for office. one of those republicans is pro legalization and doesn’t care about persecuting gay people; the other wants to do away with “free” trade. i’ve heard both of these men speak, and they’re both articulate, well-informed, and media savvy.
why weren’t they invited?
my guess is that they didn’t meet the threshold of how much money they could donate to CNN.
back to the topic, i don’t profess to know the dynamics of NY-9. i read that both candidates were milquetoast, and voters there were largely apathetic about their choices. and i know that bill kristol and gary bauer [shudder] dropped some coin into that district to help the republican.
that’s not exactly how i would define a rebuke by voters. but whatever. if you and the media say it’s a mandate, then it must be true.
September 14, 2011 at 1:33 pm #734360
kootchmanMemberOh no… the winner is a conservative, right to life, Catholic in a 50 per cent liberal Orthodox Jewish neighborhood…. I didn’t say there was a mandate… I said… it is a canary in the mineshaft… all else is trivia when there are no jobs… this president will make for some very strange bedfellows… the only “mandate” is to stop this administration… even if it means suspension of some long held traditions. Aren’t you a tad nervous that the Democratic socialist countries of Europe are asking China for help to buy Euro Bonds? They have soooo overspent on government welfare and programs… and you guessed it… China wants more open markets for their goods.. in exchange for their help.
September 14, 2011 at 1:54 pm #734361
SmittyParticipantWhen NY 23 went from R to D it garnered all kinds of media attention because it was a “long-time Republican district” (1993, oh my!). The fact that two R’s were running and split the vote was rarely, if ever, mentioned.
NY 9 has been Democrat(ic?) since 1923! Let’s see if this gets the same amount of attention in the MSM. Maybe it will, but I doubt it.
September 14, 2011 at 3:23 pm #734362
kootchmanMemberI see another grab in the “new” stimulus package. This is an international chart of charitable giving… looks like we are deadbeats. Until you read the small print… this is by a government consortium of aid donors. (OECD)
However… when American contribute through church and other NGO’s… we dwarf the rest of the world. 70 to 80 per cent of American homes donate. 3xas much as the French, 7X times the amount of the Germans, and 15 times the Italians. Over $1000 per household. 1/3 goes to secular institutions. Also American who give the most, also give the most time. A non monetary asset. A little donor oversight? Add the OECD numbers… we are one damn generous people. Compared to Europe, Americans donate personal time eight times more frequently.
Now…the Europeans are very sparse..why? Because they rely on the “state” to take care of it. No personal effort or contribution needed. It’s the job of the state… (see Greece, Italy, Spain, France, Portugal, today… how about those economic apples)
The new Obama stimulus package… wants to curtail that….eliminating and reducing charitable giving. THEY want those hundreds of billions. They want a compliant, government dependent population… this is a government that wants bended knee fealty.. and there are sure a lot of folks out there willing to go to that slaughter house of personal initiative and social responsibility. “Give the job to the government” …. still lovin’ that Euro model? Let’s just substitute hours and treasures of a generous people with another level of civil “servants”..US private charity has a much lower overhead burden…more gets to the intended target…instead of getting siphoned off….. while I do support charitable government… this should never be a government monopoly…. the state has a political agenda above all. Thats closing tax loopholes according to Obama Stimulus vers. 3.0
September 14, 2011 at 4:52 pm #734363
JanSParticipantre: the Longview union uprising….the gentleman (I use that term loosely) in the video who was being belligerant and cussing and swearing (yes, made his mommy proud), has been arrested. He supposedly is the person who incited the others to go ballistic. Do I agree with what they did? Of course not. Thugs don’t belong anywhere in this society, and not in unions either. But…a handful of “bad” union guys in Longview does not mean that all union members are the same way.
Who ya gonna vote for in 2012, Kman? Ron Paul or Rick Perry?
September 15, 2011 at 9:50 am #734364
kootchmanMemberNeither one…. at this point. I will end up voting for the nominee. The bar of possibility keeps geting lower though. I assumed a centrist, fiscal conservative would be a requirement. As Obama polls are slipping, a more conservative candidate will beat Obama.
September 15, 2011 at 1:09 pm #734365
redblackParticipantkootch: NY-9 only has about 14 months to live, anyway. new york state lost 2 seats in the house, and republicans gerrymandered weiner’s district out of existence because he talked mean to them.
add the fact that anthony weiner was a jew, and therefore a mensch – until he got caught philandering.
and since when does being anti-likkud equate to being anti-semitic? that’s like calling you unamerican because you’re anti-obama. a majority of israelis hate the apartheid there. are they anti-semitic because they oppose their government’s attitude toward palestinians?
then there’s the fact that netanyahu has recently praised obama.
this is little ado about nothing.
lastly, i’m still taking bets that your nominee will be willard romney. the MSM can’t stand religious zealots, and perry has some freaky stuff in his closet when it comes to religion.
September 15, 2011 at 5:01 pm #734366
SmittyParticipantredblack, I think you are whistling past the graveyard on this one. Even Lawrence O’Donnell – a NY political insider who spins everything his way – is nervous about it (Yes, I watch MSDNC).
Romney/Perry is the ticket. Take it to the bank.
And, unless something monumental happens on the jobs front (like, sub 8.0%) blaming COngress is going to fall on deaf ears to all but the sheep.
If I were taking bets, I would say Romney/Perry wins in 1984 type fashion.
September 15, 2011 at 5:32 pm #734367
JanSParticipantSmitty, you have no idea how frightening that prediction is to many of us.
And, yes, I blame Congress…esp. the House, who , as run by the Reps, do nothing as far as jobs and the real work on the economy are concerned. They will ignore constituents, and what is best for this country, for that thing called power, and the elimination of Obama at all costs. It’s reprehensible.
September 15, 2011 at 6:24 pm #734368
SmittyParticipantObama had both houses of congress for two years. Now that he has lost ONE of them it is all their fault? In 8 months? This latest attempt at a “set up” is not going to work. Robbing Peter to pay Paul? People get that.
The guy switched from blame Bush to blame Congress. At some point people like accountability and personal responsibility from a leader.
I’m not a huge Perry guy myself, but he is the logical pick to fend off the LDS bigots on the Right. Nothing they can do about the LDS bigots on the Left.
September 15, 2011 at 7:59 pm #734369
JanSParticipantLike Bush took responsibility for his 8 years? lolol…he went into hiding, and kept his mouth shut. Let all the blame fall on Obama. Will you feel the same way if your conservative prez gets elected and he doesn’t magically fix all things economic overnight? Will the blame then shift to him? just askin’…
September 15, 2011 at 8:38 pm #734370
SmittyParticipantBush isn’t running.
“Will you feel the same way if your conservative prez gets elected and he doesn’t magically fix all things economic overnight?”
Define overnight? 3 years? Hell yeah, especially if he had veto proof majorities in both houses for the first two years.
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