Nasty Election already starting

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  • #756891


    <bloackquote>80% of them are owned by GSE’s. And that’s a fact.

    and i want a cite for that. buddy.

    but, yeah. i supposed $800 billion would buy a lot of crappy mortgage paper, huh? however, the u.s. housing market is worth far more than that, the vast majority of loans are not toxic, and they are mostly held by private banks.

    and your last link is from 2006 (when republicans controlled all three branches of government – and the media) and it has nothing to do with the topic at hand – especially since the housing market hadn’t crashed.

    and, by the yea, from the wapo article:

    The report cites example after example of transactions that it says Fannie Mae made solely to push earnings up or down to meet profit targets expected by Wall Street.

    thanks for making my point for me. raines was wall street’s guy. he didn’t work for us poor socialist rabble and had no interest in anything but making some scratch for himself. in fact, he acted just like a wall street bank executive. weird, huh?

    can we move on now?




    you are blowing smoke and you know it.


    HMC Rich

    About a week ago, Romney went into West Philadelphia. He was not treated well. He didn’t need to go there, but he did.




    perhaps Romney would have been treated better had his policies and his speech actually had relevence to his audience?



    Awwwwww….did poor widdle Mitty get his feel bads hurt?


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