Looking to unload a 250gr tin of high quality, sustainable caviar

Home Forums Freebies, Sales, Trades Looking to unload a 250gr tin of high quality, sustainable caviar

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  • #1109122


    My purveyor accidentally doubled my order and shipped two 250gr tins of caviar instead of one. Of course I contacted them but they said to just keep it. Even with the number of adults who will be at the New Year’s party, I don’t think we’ll need a half a kilo of caviar. So I just thought I’d throw this up here to see if there are any local aficionados who might be interested in a great deal on a tin of California-sourced of Kaluga Hybrid caviar. (Shelf life: 3 weeks in the coldest part of the fridge). More info on the caviar can be found here: https://omcaviar.com/products/kaluga-hybrid

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