I’m not the biggest animal activist for sure, but…

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    editorials and opinion pieces:) doesn’t it show?

    also poetry, short stories and the great american novel that hasn’t hatched yet:( i keep hoping.

    i keep saying one of these days i will settle down and complete that book.. but it hasn’t happened yet.

    i now believe i have something to say.. i just can’t seem to settle long enough to write it. i am too busy living.

    today i drove around the perimeter of the peninsula, went grocery shopping, made cabbage soup, wasted a perfectly good hour watching eagles over the sound from my front room window and took the dogs for a walk in Lincoln park… and i blogged and did email… oh and wash.. and some cleaning. you know, stuff.

    somehow stuff seems to take up a lot of my time.

    I fogot, i did make a new phone friend. That’s good.

    and sometimes i still write pieces here and there. but mostly, i live.

    thanks for liking the analogy.

    you know.. just life.



    You know, it’s this kind of heated debate about animal cruelty that limits my diet to plain rice and soylent green.



    Lol… Sorry to spoil your dinner!




    honest, there are wonderful things you can eat without animal cruelty. consider chocolate. altho i suppose it could be considered cruel to deprive the birds of all those cocoa beans:)

    I think my cabbage soup is cruelty free. i trust that nice farmer at the Sunday market to have treated his pigs like the fat little money makers they were and to have dispatched with them quickly and kindly.

    rice and pond sum? i think we need to feed you.



    NewResident: Chill, wouldja.



    kayleigh.. you missed it. she did.



    Unfortunatly, humans think too much. Here are my rules:

    1) Killing for sustinance is perfectly fine.

    2) Catch and release is technically cruel and unusual treatment for a fish, so if you fish (which I do) fish for your dinner. Once you’ve caught dinner go home.

    3) Hunting is perfectly fine if you level the playing field. If you can catch a deer and kill him with your bare hands (knifes allowed), then you deserve to eat him. Otherwise, you’re a chicken shit for shooting it.

    4) If life or death situation, human life comes first then animal. But, torture to animal life should be punished equally with torture to human life. There are exceptions….see below.

    5) Don’t let Michael Vick dog sit for you.

    6) Vegetarians think too much. Humans weren’t built to only consume plants. Plus, plants are living things as well that are part of the food cycle the same as cow.

    7) If you are a bug or rodent and you enter my house, you will be killed. This is in defense of my dwelling. If I climb a tree or run through a field, you have every opportunity to kill me.

    8) If an animal is annoying you, do not confront the animal. Instead confront the owner and bite him/her.

    9) Some people are against zoos, but zoos have an educational benefit. But do not fret. At the rate we’re going as a country, it won’t be long until all the animals are freed and they are allowed to marry humans.

    10) Charlotte’s Web is my favorite childrens story.

    Smile, people.



    LOL… house.. you just can’t resist, can you.

    trouble is i am having trouble disagreeing with much:)



    House.. Very funny. And I, too, cannot disagree with you. JoB.. Thanks for the backup there. See, two minds that disagree can still be respectful and kind. I don’t necessarily agree with all of your views, JoB, but I respect your views and admire your wisdom. I also admire House. I have to admit, I enjoy your debates.



    Dang, it was nice having a troll-free board to chat on. Until now.



    Kayleigh… could it be your are calling me a troll?

    I have to object , you know ;-) I tend to think of myself more like a fairy.. or a godmother… or a fairy godmother… or maybe just a goddess. Ooops, did that come out?

    I will try to stick to my more human incarnations from now on… sigh…



    Not you, JoB. And you know the kinda troll I’m talkin’ about….the ones that cause board discord for sport. :0(



    whatever else new resident is, i don’t think she is causing discord for sport. house.. maybe:) he does like his fun. But new resident… no.

    i think she is just who she is… and acceptance would go a lot further to diffuse discord than agitation.

    And if she is herself.. and herself.. and herself… as people speculate… then it is because she feels no one is listening to her.

    We will all get attention any way we can when we feel marginalized.

    And once we attack, we feel attacked and become more reactive.

    you know, she does have some valid and interesting things to say once in a while.

    ok.. so i am still in the fairy godmother mode this morning:)

    i just feel too good about the world with my candidate still in the running… and against such a good candidate. life is good!

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