I can add a new post but can't sign in to respond to a post.

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  • #818723


    Why? What’s up?



    There have been similar issues here on the Forum for a while now, and WSB is aware of it.

    When it happens to me that I can’t log in (as it just did with trying to reply to this post), I often have to clear my cookies/browsing history and then it will let me in without a problem. And sometimes I just have to come back later. It’s frustrating though.



    Again, we apologize, we are just trying to limp through until the overhaul is ready to go live, and every time we think it is, we sit down with the developer and doublecheck things and then there’s one more feature that isn’t ready to go … it’s really close, though, but that doesn’t help today, or tomorrow. If we could fix the glitches in the meantime, we would, but as has been noted, they’re not even consistent (why one post but not another? why one user but not another?), so there’s no way to troubleshoot. I advise people to clear their browser cache and that sometimes seems to help. Thanks yet again, for the 2 millionth time, for your patience. The software on which the forum runs, bbPress, has actually been folded INTO WordPress, the much-used content management system on which the rest of the site runs, as of a while back, so when the upgrade goes live, reflecting the truly current state of the software, it will be all be one big happy family of functions … TR



    Thanks. Today it works.

    I appreciate all you do Tracy. This was

    not a complaint–just a point of information

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