Housecleaner who irons??

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    I’ve read through a couple threads with great housecleaner recs, including Louise Binion, April Lane and Pam Brunell, the three that seemed to get the most kudos. Have never had regular service before, figure it’s finally time. But I HATE ironing and would really love someone who could do that as well. Not sure if it’s the norm for housecleaners? Just had a quick look at April’s site and don’t see it listed even among the “optional tasks” so maybe I’m dreaming…. Of course can call each to ask, just wondered what WSBers experiences might be on this score. And any new or other recs would be welcome as well.



    I think it’s a hard sell, and as far as I know Pamela doesn’t do ironing. Remember, ironing takes time. Back in my housecleaning days, I had a client who wanted me to do her ironing..consisting of her husbands shirts, that she wanted done a particular way. It added 2 + hours to her bill, and certainly wasn’t worth the aggravation when she complained they weren’t right.

    Good luck..maybe there’s someone out there who just does ironing?



    Thanks, JanS. Maybe I will need to split it up. I occasionally hear of people to claim to love ironing (which I just can’t understand) so maybe need to find one of those iron-loving folks! I can only promise that I’d never complain about it being done wrong, I’ll just be thrilled to have it done at all.



    I’m one of those ironing-loving folks! Sadly, I don’t clean houses.



    Ah, so it’s not just a rumor!! I’ll happily chop vegetables or do other kitchen duties for hours on end, but my attention span for some other tasks is limited.



    from what I’ve heard, most housecleaners don’t even do laundry, so ironing?


    much easier to toss laundry in while cleaning




    What’s this ironing you speak of?



    You might want to check this out

    Clean Express Laundry (just google it) it’s on Stone Way and they pick up and drop off.



    This is Pamela, I hate ironing and I suck at it. laundry i have no problem doing WHILE i am there.



    Thanks, Pamela. Clearly I’ll need to separate those two goals, keeping the house clean and keeping the ironing from piling up. I’ll give a call soon to check with you on the former!



    I’m with cruiser.



    Why not take your clean items someplace to be pressed? Most dry cleaners that also handle laundry (i.e. shirts) can take clean clothes and press them. It should be cheaper than the full laundry service.



    cburns, my mom is the best ironer and she is heading to full retirement and only works two days a week currently at her job so she has time to iron and i think she even likes it :)and if you are interested in talking to her or to me just pm me. i called her and she is interested.



    cclarue & cburns, The PM feature is currently disabled. So, if the two of you want set up a line of communication, one of you will need to contact the Editor at, and they can hook you up!




    I will, on very rare occasions, get out the iron and board for special occasions. But my usual method of removing wrinkles entails misting the shirt with water, shaking it out, and then putting it on. Jeans, cords, and khakis don’t even need that. Thank goodness I get to dress fairly casual for work. Sadly, all that time I save not ironing is replaced by cat hair removal.


    I love to iron. Since I sew I have to use the iron all the time. Anyone can contact me about ironing jobs.

    Will appreciate the business.



    Happened upon this old post, I iron on the side, $3 a garment(depending on details – extra for pickup/delivery) I also do chemical free housecleaning and closet organization. I would love more local clients. (206)953-5315



    After reading this blog I remembered I do have an ron in the basement. What with perma-press clothing I don’t plug the iron in until its time for Santa photos or another special occassion.

    Which reminds me several years ago when Gottschalks was still at Westwood I was asked by this group of women my opinion of which childrens clothing to purchase thatw as the easiest to iron. Really? Ironing childrens clothing?? Who has the time.

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