Host Families for Japanese Exchange Students

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    I am looking for people who would be interested in hosting a Japanese exchange student for 3 weeks this summer from July 21st to August 10th. I am working with a group of students from Yokohama, Japan who will be doing an academic homestay program in West Seattle. It’s a great way to learn about another culture firsthand without leaving your home :)

    The stuents will be in classes 12 hours/week, and will be participating in other group outings most afternoons, but would have Friday afternoons and weekends free to be with their host family. The student would eat with you, but otherwise they bring their own spending money for any other activities you choose to do with them. And they would need rides to and from the academic center, but I will do my best to organize carpools and other options (if you can’t commit to the transportation, don’t let that stop you from hosting).

    If you are interested or have any other questions, please send me an e-mail!

    I know that July seems like a long ways away, but the students are anxious to have their accomodations confirmed :)



    I am still in need of 14 host families. If anybody else is interested or at all considering, I would LOVE to talk to you more about it :)

    This isn’t something where you even have to have an extra room. If you have a child of the same gender, they can share a room.



    I still have We have 3 students and 1 adult escort that need families. Here is some information on the students:

    * A 16-year-old girl who especially enjoys music and dance, she is involved in a dance club at her school. She also likes shopping & movies. She describes herself as being sociable, cheerful & humorous.

    * A 16-year-old girl who enjoys music, drama, movies & food. She sounds very excited about her homestay and describes herself as being cheerful. She wants to be a tour guide after she finishes school.

    * A 17-year old girl who really loves dancing & is involved in her school dance club. She also enjoys cooking, shopping, video games & swimming. Her future career interest is working for a fashion company, and she describes herself as cheerful and adaptable.

    * The adult escort will be accompanying the students and will serve as a translator for them in situations where it is needed. He/she will also be responsible for the students in case of an emergency or other unexpected situation.The escort also needs a host family, but will be more independent than a teenage student would be.

    Thank you very much for considering this! More info on the website at

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