gas siffining

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    happy hour

    For the past two weeks I have noticed increments of gas missing from my tank. Spoke with two gas stations And they said absolutely plausible for someone with a. Portable gas can to go around and skim your tank by a few gallons at a time. They have heard of it happening to some other people. I know about thieves that will stiffen your whole tank but this new way is less noticeable to the average person. Now that takes more patience than I would have!!! I guess its just a mini-crime for mini-me’s.

    Getting a gas lock asap. even though those can be popped.



    After finding my gas cap open on two occasions (with an undetectable amount of gas missing), I sprung for a $16 locking gas cap from Fred Meyer. I figured if they were too lazy to close my cap after siphoning, they weren’t going to pop a locked cap. So far my theory seems good.



    One of our neighbors caught someone trying to siphon gas from the tank of their truck parked on the street. The guy ran off and nobody caught him. This was a few months ago. They are out there.



    Back when gas was real cheap, I remember hearing the occasional story about how some prankster would go around and ADD a couple gallons to folks tanks in an attempt to make them think that they were getting phenomenal gas mileage.


    I think the goal was to get the victim so excited about their gas mileage that they would going all around town bragging about such good gas mileage their car was getting.




    Every time I see the title of this thread I think it’s about Gas Sniffing.



    Austin, I keep reading it as “gas stiffening,” which sounds like a symptom of gastrointestinal distress.

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