FREE Stroller Strides Class at Alki this Friday!!! lots of FREE prizes

Home Forums Freebies, Sales, Trades FREE Stroller Strides Class at Alki this Friday!!! lots of FREE prizes

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    Stroller Strides in West Seattle is celebrating their 1 year anniversary and moving outside to Alki Beach. We will meet this Friday at 9:30am for a FREE Stroller Strides Class. We will have goody bags for everyone (sponsors; West Seattle Runner, FUZE, Snikiddy, PopChips, BabyLegs,Luna, SammySack, Mabels Labels, Stroller Strides and more).

    We will be giving away a FREE pair of shoes at this event and will be offering discounted Lunafest Tickets this week only. Don’t miss out. Class is from 9:30-10:30, come early to register.



    What is Stroller Strides, and as the mama of an 11 month old, why haven’t I heard of this??!!




    Very cool, I will add it to my blog too!


    My apologies for just responding to this!! We have been busy this week with grand openings all over the city. Please join us if you can! Stroller Strides is a really great workout!! We are not just strolling the parks with our babies, we work hard and have moms in our group that are ultra marathoners, and moms that haven’t exercised in years. Our workouts are designed so that all levels of fitness can participate! We also entertain the babies while working out, so it is fun for you & baby. In addition, we have FREE mom’s group that hosts playdates, Mom’s Night Out and charitable events. Tomorrow will be super busy with all the FREE prizes, but please join us!! If not tomorrow, sometime soon! & Thanks for posting it on your blog RainyDay1235!!!



    Where exactly on Alki Beach are you meeting? I’m assuming the Bathhouse area but your original post is not specific. Thank you.



    We previewed it with video from a Green Lake class just before they expanded to West Seattle two years ago (I believe under different ownership).

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