Beautiful approx 6′ tree. It was given to me, planted it 2 years ago in a not-so-ideal spot. Now it’s getting too big and need to be re-homed. It really wants to grow. Located in High Point. You dig! :)
The evergreen post is 6 months old. I was trying a test on a very old post, and that is what caused it to bump up to the top. My apologies for any confusion I may have caused. But you never know – Rainyday might just still have it.
Actually, I do. It’s planted, really pretty and STILL GROWING. I don’t know what kind but it’s free to anyone who wants to come dig it up. I was going to post it on craigslist pretty soon so someone could replant it in a seasonally appropriate time…PM me if interested. I’d hate to see it outgrow its spot and die.