Fill Dirt Trucks coming into West SEattle via Roxbury

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    Does anyone know where all the dump trucks and semi trucks are going with double loads of fill dirt? They are going West on Roxbury and using the “Jake Brake” on the way down the hill. Almost ready to call the police.


    for those of you who dont know:



    46.12.010 Definition. Unmuffled engine compression brake: a motor vehicle brake which is activated or worked by the compression of the engine of a motor vehicle, and which is not effectively muffled to prevent excessive noise. (Ord. 12887 § 1, 1997: Ord. 10070 § 1, 1991).


    No link since it is only available as a freakin doc file



    They are turning down 30th and then on 102nd past Explorer West school and driving onto the property at the end of 102nd between 28th and 26th where a house was recently torn down.

    They’re dumping a lot of dirt and there’s a backhoe digging around but I don’t see a ‘land use action’ sign of any sort on the property. There was some work being done on the green space water/sewer system further south between 30th and 28th, north of 106th – it might be related.



    I suspect MargL, who is one of the wisest and fact-findiest people we know, is correct. In fact, I have a story planned about aforementioned work – we had received a tip about it a month ago from someone who thought it was “wetlands” being cleared; at the time, we just found a King County permit showing it’s an official drainage pond and some debris/overgrowth had to be cleared … but today the city has a permit with some more extensive work mentioned. Have to get back there for new pictures, though, the ones we took last month (we were en route to the Holy Family Street Fair when we got a call from a frantic passerby, so we diverted) are surely outdated now.



    102nd St. SW west of 35th is local access only, no trucks over 5T. There have been a lot of violations lately, maybe this explains why. It’ll be interesting to hear what the city is building…



    Here’s the line from yesterday’s Land Use Information Bulletin.



    Anonyme – 102nd east of 35th over by the Explorer West school doesn’t have the same “No Trucks” sign tho’ I’m sure the folks living there wished it did!

    Speaking of fact-findery (thanks TR ;-) the property in question appears to be outside the scope of the Seola Stormwater Pond project per the DPD link. However, doing a little research in the King County Permit database shows there have been several violations with leaving piles of construction debris after the tear down (visible in Google Maps, actually) and bringing in fill material in quantities that block drainage on the property.

    Can’t find a record of what’s being built but I’m guessing the owners are having the property graded in preparation for building a larger house to replace the teeny-tiny one previously on the property. (It’s fun to look at historical records!)

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