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    Enterprise Rental Cars on 35th wants me to pay for repairing a car part I did not damage. Anyone else experience this? I’m pretty outraged.



    Ugh … fight the good fight. Happened to me once (not Enterprise) and there was no way to win.

    Too bad to hear it’s Enterprise–they were always my favorite because they understand (or use to anyway) that not everyone has a credit card.

    Good luck!


    Genesee Hill

    It happened to me some years ago at the Enterprise on 35th. Some funky scratch I ABSOLUTELY did not do. Parked the piece of junk in my garage. That was an eye-opener for me. I now seldom rent cars because of the rip-off factor. On the rare occasions I do, I examine the car as if it had a case of venereal disease. I check it CAREFULLY!



    I used to travel for business and used Enterprise (almost) exclusively to build up points and they were generally cheaper than other companies. I don’t remember what state or airport I was in ( it was a couple years ago) but when I returned my rented SUV they noticed an indent in the roof. I didn’t put anything on the roof but they were going to charge me for the damages because it was not noted in my initial check of the vehicle. Fortunately for me, when they looked on their system for past rentals the indent WAS noted on a previous rental. Had that not been there, I would have been charged. After that incident I started checking the rental cars like a mechanic buying it for my one and only daughter getting her first car. Over time I think my diligence saved me a few more times in noting slight damage that the Enterprise rep did not.

    I’m not bashing Enterprise and I have not rented from the office on 35th. In general my experience with them has been easy and pleasant. When I travel again they would be the first company I would look to for a car. I think this is a situation you could possibly encounter with any car rental service.

    Like GH said… Check CAREFULLY. Do not let them briskly run around the car and throw paperwork at you to sign. Take your time and note EVERY concern. The salesman trying to rush you out the door is not on the hook for any potential damage. You are….



    I hope this works out in your favor ws4ever. I recently rented a car from that office. I am particularly attentive during the walk around, but the Enterprise employee was more vigilant than I and noted in writing things I never would have. I believe its worth challenging.



    I’ve had Enterprise issues in the past, luckily after enough back and forth they were resolved in my favor.

    Before I pull out of any rental place I snap about 10 digital photos of the car from all angles and save them for a few months after returning in case of any claims arise that I damaged the car.



    I also inspect the heck out of rental cars these days. And when I travel and don’t know if I’m getting a car after dark or that will be in a parking garage, I carry a small flashlight too, to aid in looking for damage. They hate people like me, because I write down *everything* but it’s saved me a few times when they’ve tried to get me for damages.



    Thanks, everyone. Make sure you check the fuel door and latch, too. It can look normal from the outside and not be.



    we’ve experienced the same issue with Enterprise (the one in Ballard), and now we are also one of those renters that walks around the car forever, inspecting the car for every tiny scratch before we drive it away for our rental. thanks for the reminder to check the fuel door and latch.

    in our case, they charged us for a scratch on a plastic cover on the underside of the car, up near the front bumper. a scratch that you have to crawl around on the ground to find. that infuriated us because A) they didn’t look that thoroughly at the underside of the car when we picked it up and B) we didn’t recall driving up on any curbs or going over speed bumps funny or anything in the 2 days we had it.

    since then, we’ve leaned more toward hertz, especially since that works with our airline miles.



    I make THEM carry the clip board and note every single scratch or dent I find. Don’t neglect the interior either! I check the glove box,the ash tray, carpet, etc…



    Somehow it wasn’t in their records at all for 3 weeks–how stressful it was to think I’d be charged for something I didn’t do–until, I called their corporate office in Dallas, after receiving a letter asking me to submit credit card information to pay my “debt”, to tell them the same story as I gave the local office. Then, today, I get a call from the local office that 2 previous renters had complained of the same thing and I am now “innocent.”

    Lessons learned:

    1. Check everything on the car.

    2. Call the head office before you get the official letter.

    3. If a previous car renter before you does not admit the problem existed, you will end up paying for someone else’s mistake.

    4. The local office has to follow the party line and will not believe anything you say.

    5. I wonder how many people are in prison because of the same dynamics. Scary.

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