do you have a longing for the good old days?

Home Forums Open Discussion do you have a longing for the good old days?

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    you know.. when we could disagree civilly here on the forum without everyone reacting as though they had been insulted when you said “no.. i don’t see it that way because ”
    when we didn’t discount people as people simply because they disagreed with us?

    i do.

    if we want that to change.. we have to change it.. one conversation.. or meet up .. or fundraiser.. at a time.



    in the spirit of Waynsrer.. i offer a comic… well worth the time it takes to scroll through it

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by JoB.


    lol worth it job…. oh the good old days in the form lol…. and a song to go with it lol…

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by waynster.


    The skill of conversation seems like a skill we older citizens have been bad at setting an example for the younger generation. The winner takes all approach takes a toll on me and I think it does no favors for everyone. Our elected officials are just as guilty with the inability to “agree to disagree”. I have hope for the pendulum to swing us the other way.



    the oatmeal comic is wonderful. Thank you

    Waynster…more smiles

    22blades…first,somehow I never pictured you as being one of us “older citizens”, and second, I agree, and third? I loved what Obama and Boehner did together…the video the pic is from was wonderful.



    Actually, no, I don’t remember the good old days. Or at least they weren’t good when I started reading 7-8 years ago. Many discussions were filled with sanctimonious lecturing from a small set of loud voices who believed that they had the moral high ground and would consistently attack opposing views with content-free judgmental platitudes like “why can’t you show some empathy” and such. It was just as toxic as today’s shouty environment but a lot more passive-aggressive; dare I say, very Seattle.



    and yet, Scott, here you are…judgemental and a bit passive-aggressive yourself, with ateeny amount of sanctimoniousness(is that a word, even?) thrown in…just like the good old days ;-)



    when did having empathy become “sanctimonious” and/or “passive aggressive”?

    i have taken to reading definitions lately just to make sure that i am not missing something..
    and after re-reading the every definition of empathy i could find .. i don’t see how either of those terms could describe either empathy or a plea for empathy…

    for pleas for empathy to be considered sanctimonious.. one would have to assume that any plea for empathy was an expressions of moral superiority ..

    which in turn would negate definitions of passive aggressive behavior because that is characterized by an avoidance of conflict..

    and we all know declarations of moral superiority .. real or imagined.. are a source of conflict on the forum…

    confusing isn’t it..

    add to that the actual definition of empathy.. that which we were said to be making pleas for.. and one has to ask what there is to criticize?

    killing the messenger never had anything to do with the message..

    What i wish i could understand is why a plea for empathy could be so threatening that you would feel you have to ascribe malicious motives to those making the plea … couldn’t you just choose to say no to whatever the request was and go on about your business?

    apparently not.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by JoB.


    I miss cars with bench seats and car trips.


    Michael Waldo

    How about Saturday morning cartoons that were real cartoons



    Toys in cereal boxes.



    When the Goodyear blimp came to town during Seafair, and Seafair was a huge community event.



    Bon Marche, Frederick & Nelson, Jafco, Rhodes, the Brass Rail, Ernst Malmo, Sonics, The Dog House, the original Bimbo’s Bitchin’ Burritos, the original Frankfurters’s, Bauhaus, B&O Coffee, Monorail Coffee at the base of the Monorail, Andy’s Diner, Herfy’s, A&W Drine Ins, Drive-In Movie Theaters, Georgetown Pharmacy, Hydroplanes with piston engines, going to the airport to just watch planes from the terminal (with no ticket), extreme polite driving, the real Seattle Post Intelligencer, the Rocket, Franco’s Hidden Harbor, downtown street parking spots, Metro Bus service to Admiral, free bus service downtown, the Space Needle without that tutu they stuck at the bottom, mechanical parking meters, no wait, I still hate them, Jean Enerson, Jeff Renner, 8-track tapes, no wait, they were awful, mixtapes on cassettes, Kaye-Smith Studios, ramshackle houseboats, industrial South Lake Union, downtown gas stations & autopart stores, true dive bars in general (you know, the kind with nuts under heat lamps, pull tabs, and boiled eggs in formaldehyde, nice politicians that you could not agree with but have a beer with,… BOEING SURPLUS STORE. OK, I’ll stop.

    Raaaaaaanieeeeeeeerrrrr Beeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrr………..

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by 22blades.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by 22blades.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by 22blades.


    we can still laugh at the good old days…
    when social media was a newspaper….…..
    when you could go out to eat have open seating…… understand what people were talking about…
    we had affordable health care when Drs cared not like now …..….
    when you could camp out in your back yard and cook outdoors without someone complaining…….
    when the only thing that was called fake……… and no apocalypses coming….


    2 Much Whine

    When Puget Sound actually had salmon, crab, rockfish and halibut.



    22Blades…the Rainier commercials were the best… :)

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