Does anyone know what happend to the signs and trees that appeared smashed down in the street divider just as you are adjacent to the Admiral Overlook as you come up to the bend in Admiral?
I got a note about this the other night and went to take pix myself. The weird thing is it almost looked like wind damage, a sign lying down, a couple trees down, but no disturbance to the dirt. Irukandji’s take makes sense. I have a message out to SDOT, who would be accountable for fixing it – TR
Yeah, that straddling theory sounds like the winner so far…never heard sirens or anything. I think I first noticed it this past Tuesday but not sure…sad though, those trees were part of a set of trees that were all the same age and would have looked great in about 10 years.
It’s only been a few months since they were planted (we photographed some of the planting activity) so maybe they will be able to match the replacements to some degree. SDOT is checking … TR