Cousin Bill: Still grizzled after all these years.

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    Dropped Cousin Bill a line last week, asking why we hadn’t heard from him in so long. I asked if he could send us a picture of himself along with the next update, and he obliged.


    Bill describes himself as the classic Texas stereotype, “grizzled, graying, lines etched into my face…. along with the patented don’t-cross-me-you-silly-ass-bastard look.”

    Here’s what CB has to say about the current state of politics in America:

    Actually I was tempted to send political commentary several times… The republican debates are an endless source of material… Who could add to thier inherent hilarity? Sort of this natural beauty that requires no embellishment. It stands alone… defying all forms of logic beyond what’s loosely known as conservatism…

    Thier elaborate political machine refuses to recruit beyond its base… somehow feeling mainstream America will come to them rather than consider any shift in thier unique politcal agenda. Brings to mind the classic definition of insanity…

    Despite thier massive wealth they’re unable to acknowledge thier conception of the universe may be flawed. Solutions to America’s problems are never discussed…. now the Liberal/Socialist/Obama threat, that’s an entirely different matter. Republican friends are sending email stating how obvious it should be — even to a liberal such as myself — that Obama has been the worst president we’ve ever had and the country would crumble to dust if he were re-elected…….

    Democrats are just as bad. The email from the Obama camp has the same “change” rhetoric that propelled him into the White House in the 1st place. Unfortunately they make it appear as though real change has been actively taking place since his administration. Really……..Hmmmmmm…….. I must’ve missed it. All I can recall is endless failed attempts at compromise with those who’s only goal is obstructionism & hate. The end result has been maintaining the status quo… not any form of change we can believe in.

    Obama’s saving grace appears to be that the right has such an inept bunch of candidates to choose from that he is head and shoulders above them all in every category.

    Must run, Jeff’s truck broke down and I must rescue him……

    Apropos of Valentine’s Day, CB then went on to make some particularly astute observations on his love life (and mine), which I unfortunately cannot repeat here, save for the final sentence:

    Alone & miserable, married & miserable. Believe me I’ve been in this equation from all sides.

    Thanks, Cuz. I know I can count on you to give it to me straight.





    Simply the best…easy, but key fundamental points…could learn a thing or two from Cousin Bill!



    Is Cousin Bill single?



    Is he single? Well, as they say on Facebook . . . “it’s complicated.”

    And since Bill’s from Texas, it ain’t just a little complicated, neither.

    It’s Texas-sized complicated.

    But he’s not currently married, if that’s what you meant.



    DBP’s Match Making Service :D

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