Conservative Chicago Tribune Endorses 1st Dem

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    Catlbob – you’re preaching to the choir where I’m concerned. I just don’t like labeling others whose views are in opposition to mine. Rush Limbaugh and his cronies do that crap all the time and it incenses me.

    Angeles – just a guess out of curiousity – I bet your parents live here. Try talking to many senior citizens in Florida and you’ll see what I mean. Lived there almost my whole life and my parents still do. They think McCain is really going to be the “maverick” and buck the system.

    It all comes down to a fundamental difference in philosophy – they, like many Repub’s, want smaller government and more reliance on individuals and the private sector because their generation was more one of self-reliance, etc…..But they also want what they consider themselves to be entitled to, such as their coverage from Social Security and Medicare, which they feel they’ve funded for themselves and deserve to receive it (at least that was the principle that it was supposed to work on – not true anymore).

    So I wasn’t suggesting that all older people are voting for McCain – I was suggesting in response to Catlbob that their is a whole ‘nother mindset out there re: pro-McCain that has nothing to do with race, greed or stupidity.



    My dad’s in san diego. my mom’s here. i know that locale has a lot to do with it, as do the people with whom one surrounds oneself. i heard some seniors in northern new mexico with this great slogan for obama: O bámanos (misspelled, but roughly, “Oh, let’s go!”). the 700 billion has got to have your folks shaking their heads, mellaw, no?



    Obama on partial birth abortion:

    *On an issue like partial birth abortion, I strongly believe that the state can properly restrict late-term abortions. I have said so repeatedly. All I’ve said is we should have a provision to protect the HEALTH of the mother, and many of the bills that came before me didn’t have that*

    *In 1997, Obama voted against SB 230, which would have turned doctors into felons by banning so-called partial-birth abortion, & against a 2000 bill banning state funding. Although these bills included an exception to save the life of the mother, they didn’t include anything about abortions necessary to protect the HEALTH of the mother. The legislation defined a fetus as a person, & could have criminalized virtually all abortion*



    Thanks, JT.



    Obama on guns for self defense:

    *As a general principle, I believe that the Constitution confers an individual right to bear arms*

    *I think it’s important for us to recognize that we’ve got a tradition of handgun ownership and gun ownership generally. And a lot of law-abiding citizens use it for hunting, for sportsmanship, and for protecting their families.*

    *We can have reasonable, thoughtful gun control measure that I think respect the Second Amendment and people’s traditions.*



    English as the official language:

    38 senators (35 democrat) voted against an amendment to the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2006. This amendment called for English to be the common and unifying language of America. It also stipulated that the government was not required to print any forms in a language other than English.

    A half hour after this vote, another amendment to this bill was voted on. It called for English to be the common and unifying language of America, but whatever documents and services are currently provided in another language should remain unchanged. All democrats (and 14 republicans, 1 independent) voted for this version.



    Angeles – for sure they are. My dad is most fed up with Congress as a whole and the bickering/extreme partisanship. I think he thinks choosing McCain over Obama is a benign choice vs. the importance of kicking out the bad apples in Congress.

    Honestly, at 87, big changes scare his generation and I think my Dad sees himself like McCain for being 1)a defender of the country – my Dad served in the Phillipines in WWII, and 2)my Dad likes to bitch about government being wasteful and he likes to challenge all of his Congressional officials on a frequent basis in writing (they know him well at Sen. Young’s office – lol!). So he sees himself as a “maverick” too. He just “gets” McCain in the way that I “get” Obama.

    And yes, you got my point about where your parents live in relation to mind. The east coast/west coast thing isn’t only in hip-hop:)



    Here’s what we need to remember, folks who are getting mad at NR and House. Though they were frequent commentators in the past, they were around most frequently commenting during the primaries (high emotional and political times) and in the last few weeks of the election. They are here to capitalize on the high emotions of the time and I wouldn’t pay it much heed. Allow them to challenge you and take this time to reflect on what you believe and why – but, there’s no need to get all worked up over their Ann Coulter comments and accusing you of “wallowing in stupidity”. Polly wanted a cracker but you don’t have to give it to them. I’m just curious why both of you constantly talk about how heated and “”over the top these conversations get and how “alienated” you feel, but only seem to participate during times when you are most likely to drudge this stuff up? Not that I begrudge your participation (in fact most times I wecome it) but I think you know why you’re here – riling up the “dems” as House clearly posts on their profile. Hmmmmm…




    I love it! I can just picture your dad…:)



    angelescrest – you make me blush :)



    Cait–you just put together in “cab ride” all the images that have been running amok in my brain; but you did it so well, so eloquently. It is a rough time for so many people. And, if we were stronger at home, we could be stronger abroad where aid is truly needed.



    Angeles – my Dad may be Repub. & stubborn – but he is the cutest little old man you ever want to see. And he is in good shape, still works, plays golf, bowls, does all the yard work and still finds time to complain to his politicians.

    Yet, the difference between my Dad and McCain is that my Dad can relate to the younger kids. When he and my mom come out to visit (usually every other year at Thanksgiving), my Dad comes to my classes whereever I’m teaching and is my guest speaker for “Veteran’s Day”. He tells them about WWII and can even still fit into his Officer’s uniform jacket with his pins & medals. He also tells them about being the oldest of 8 children growing up very poor in Kentucky during the 20’s and then the depression – how the ice man use to deliver blocks of ice in his horse drawn cart, how they had no indoor plumbing or electricity during his first 12 years of life, how going to the movies all day use to cost 10 cents, etc… My students absolutely love him and I have introduced him to students who still send him a xmas card every year and ask about him. It’s a wonderful experience for everyone.

    I love my folks:) P.S. My same conservative Repub. dad is also the same dad who walked his lesbian daughter down the aisle to marry her same sex partner and was the first to dance the Macarena at the wedding. Am I lucky or what?



    You ARE lucky! My dad has amazing stories (his dad was a jewish colonel in the calvary stationed in arkansas!), but he’s never been a great storyteller, I think because he’s been hearing impaired from childhood illness. Your students are lucky, too. I’ve been teaching for thirty years, and he has never been to my spanish classroom (even back in ca.); yet, he must have started one of the first maquiladoras in mexico.



    to the premise that Mr. Obama hangs with…shady, unsavory people..that guilt by association thing…try this on..



    Obama the socialist: From Gen. Colin Powell today

    *Powell, who described himself as still a Republican, added that he also doesn’t like the McCain camp’s decision to call Obama a socialist because he wants to raise taxes on individuals and businesses making more than $250,000 a year.

    “Taxes are always a redistribution of money. Most of the taxes that are redistributed go back to those who pay it — in roads and airports and hospitals and schools — and taxes are necessary for the common good, and there’s nothing wrong with examining what our tax structure is and who should be paying more, who should be paying less. And for us to say that makes you a socialist I think is an unfortunate characterization and is inaccurate,” he said.*



    Obama and the national anthem:

    * My grandfather taught me when I was 2. During the pledge of allegiance, you put your hand over your heart. During the national anthem, you sing.*

    *Modern custom does not require a hand over the heart, said Anne Garside, director of communication for the Maryland Historical Society, home of the original manuscript of The Star-Spangled Banner.*

    Obama was photographed ONCE, holding his hands at his waist. Photo here, along with two photos with his hand over his heart. Also, video of him singing the Star-Spangled Banner and reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.

    Here are photos of presidents Bush 1 and 2 without their hands over their hearts.



    Thanks, again, JT, for doing the research. All good reminders.



    “Since I don’t imagine that the only reasons McCain’s supporter have are hatred of blacks and greed…” – catlbob

    Again, catlbob, you are implying that McCain supporters are racist and greedy (although, you have tried to absolve this reasoning by stating that that isn’t the ONLY reason a Republican is Republican). That is completely inaccurate, disrespectful and ignorant.

    House and myself have repeatedly stated why we support McCain (we have both even stated that McCain was not our first choice – kinda like Obama not being JoB’s first choice, just the one she will have to settle with).

    The truth of the matter is, until I or House says that we have had a change of heart and now support Obama, you will not be happy. Nothing a conservative says to convey their reasoning for supporting his/her party will ever be good enough.

    And, frankly, to have to keep defending ourselves against racial charges is insulting. Please stop questioning the WHY of our support, read back through the forums and you will plainly find the answer (it won’t be what you want to hear, but it’s our reason).

    Mellaw- Thank you for having the clarity of mind to defend such an erroneous, distasteful accusation.



    No prob angelescrest, unfortunately I feel exactly as I did earlier. *No amount of logic or discrediting the list above will make a difference. I’ve lost all respect.*

    Truth doesn’t seem to matter when you have viral emails spouting crap that bears no merit on the fitness of being president.

    I’m off to wallow in my stupidity now.



    New Resident – right back at you. Read that message you just wrote only change the word “racist” to “socialist” and consider it my message to you. The only difference is that you’re complaining that you’re in the minority. Boohoo. Your vote counts for just as much as mine.

    Don’t change your vote but don’t lead me to believe that you’re doing it for reasons that are just plain ill informed. Believing that Bill Ayers has anything more to do with Barack Obama than John McCain does is ill informed. To bring it up at all as a reason you’re not voting for someone – even if you do have plenty of GOOD reasons – is what I take issue with. Vote for him all you want, just quit using old tired arguments like terrorists to back your decision – AT ALL. I’m not asking you to bring it up because it’s not true I’m asking you not to because it’s not TRUE and it was a small irrelevant moment of serving on the same board together that was blown up by RACISTS to bring attention to him being a TERRORIST because he has a MUSLIM name. If you’re going to be a tool at least realize how is turning the wrench. You have decent reasons that everyone can understand (who you think will best care for your family, keep our country safe and mend our economy) but bringing up that reactionary fear-mongering bull is what is dividing our nation and why I no longer put much stock in your comments.

    If you want to bring up Bill Ayers, I’ll bring up McCain calling his wife the c-word and we’ll see how far that argument goes. The circus doesn’t come to town often so this is how I get my jollies.

    Now to go bathe in my pit of stupidity! *snort*



    Cait – The problem with your argument is that, in the little experience Obama DOES have, he has proven to be so far left, it does border on socialism. That’s a fact you can see by reviewing his voting record and his stance on issues.

    To suggest a person, or an entire Party, is “racist” because we are voting for the candidate running from our Party, is not, in any way, a factual accusation.

    I think that I have brought up Ayers maybe once or twice in the last 6 months. That is definitely NOT the sole reason that I am not voting for Obama.



    “The problem with your argument is that, in the little experience Obama DOES have, he has proven to be so far left, it does border on socialism. That’s a fact you can see by reviewing his voting record and his stance on issues.”

    Apparently you didn’t read my post about how I don’t think socialism is bad? Socialism shouldn’t be a bad word, that’s what I think. Caring for the underrepresented in society by taxing the rich by a fraction more? I’m down for that.

    I didn’t say that the Republican party was racist… did you not read the part where I mentioned there were plenty of reasons for voting for McCain? Claiming the republicans are racists is no worse, however, than what Ann Coulter claims on a regular basis but I guess as a frequent reader I don’t need to remind you of that.

    And to bring up Ayers once is to participate in a line of bull that racists, bigots and religious intolerants began in the early days of this campaign. Again you must not have read the part where I acknowledged that it wasn’t YOUR sole reason for not voting for Obama (and I was actually referring to House’s list, not your previous posts. I try not to lump your opinions together.) It’s just a really ignorant and bigoted line of discussion in its roots. Even to bring up once.



    NR – I still don’t understand how you are equating tax policy to socialism – definitely not the same thing. If the result redistributes income to some extent, that is NOT socialism. I’d be glad to lend anyone many of my political science and history texts for a clear definition of socialism and how it works. Obama’s plan ain’t socialism any more than McCain’s tax policy protecting the income of the rich defines capitalism.



    Please also remember that socialism, communism and capitalism are economic systems, not forms of government.



    Well NR, I don’t really see much of you and The House explaining why you’re voting for McCain, a truly scary prospect as POTUS. Certainly not in this thread. You both fall back to repeating the attacks of the racists McCain campaign.

    If the McCain campaign thinks appealing to racists will get them votes, why should I not think McCain appeals to racists? It flies in the face of reason.

    If McCain is elected and gets his Health Care program in place, it will likely result in the largest tax increase I have ever experienced, when the increased cost of my health care premiums are added in. McCain wants to raise my taxes in a very direct way. Yours too, I suspect.

    At least my opposition to a tax increase is about one that affects ME, not some millionaire.

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