Caveman days?

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    I was wondering, back in the cavemen days since there was no cash or materialistic things to gain a cavewomans attention, how did the men attract their partners? Is it the same principal today as back then in attracting a partner? Or have we become a more complexed society? Please explain. It just seems harder today to get a girl to like you for you today. I wish it was easier like back in the cavemen ages. I’d just like your opinions.



    look inward, be natural, yourself, don’t be obnoxious. You need neither money nor a line to attract females. Be nice, be objective, be realistic about who you want to attract. Most of all , love yourself. If you don’t love yourself just the way you are today, you can’t love someone else, and they can’t love you.

    A lesson in a book (library has it, I’m sure) called The Four Agreements – A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom by Don Miguel Ruiz…it’s a small book…read it twice.



    Pheromones. Don’t shower. Don’t use deodorant. Datin’ caveman style.



    In the caveman days, women were attracked to men who could provide for their families, such as a caveman who was a good hunter and gatherer.

    In modern days, money = food and shelter (providing for the family).

    Similar to how men in get in trouble for loving women with big breasts, but men are naturally attracted to breasts because it is the way a woman feeds a man’s children.

    Our society has become extremely complex, but it all boils down to food and shelter, same as caveman days.



    these days a woman can provide for herself.. so finding a guy who adds something more than dollars to her life is more important than ever.

    women like a man who is genuinely interested in them…

    unfortunately… assuming they are only interested in your money or lack there-of probably limits your ability to see much else about them.

    look a little deeper…



    How do you know it was easier to get a girl back in caveman times than it is today? Assuming you were around back then I’d think you’d have no trouble attracting women. You’d be like one of the Geico insurance salesmen, or that movie Encino Man but without Pauly Shore (if you’re trying to date girls STAY AWAY from Pauly frickin Shore, that guy’s like a bionic ****blocking robot developed in a secret government lab). Did you know that Brendan Fraser graduated from Cornish?


    Women likes a man with money because she knows she won’t have to worry about paying her rent or bills,getting her nails done on her own expense, and they can aspire to get pregnant and be a mommy. It doesn’t matter if you love yourself or can make them laugh. But if you’re broke, and have no job, forget it. That’s the truth. Money talks. Even fat ugly guys who make very good money get girls. Like Rush Limbaugh. A stupid girl goes out with a jobless man and pays his way.




    you are shooting yourself in the foot so that you don’t have to step up…

    no way to get a girl… any girl.

    if you don’t like them.. why would they like you?


    Man is supposed to be the bacon winner. She’s supposed to have the urge to breed kids and be a stay at home mommy.



    i think a bridge is missing its troll.



    elikapeka..methinks you’re right on the money…



    Intellect is very attractive. Learn a skill, be handy and learn how to communicate well. What are your interests? It is a great way to meet someone with a common hobby. Get a job, get off “foodtamps” and quit using what little cash you have on Pabst Blue Ribbon beer as a way to lure a woman. It sounds like you are young, use your youth wisely and get as much education as you can.




    you are “supposed” to have more sense than that too..

    but there you go… life isn’t perfect.




    did you write the super bowl ads this year???



    Cmon now. Women don’t want to support a man in today’s world with their own money and that is the truth. They’re off their rocker if they are doing that.



    oh, so you’re just looking for someone to support you in the way you’d like to be accustomed….gotcha! Just get off your duff and take care of yourself, the way I see it.

    You don’t need a partner to complete your life, they would just be complementary to your life.

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