candy for trick-or-treaters

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    Just curious… how many pieces of candy do you allow each trick-or-treater to take?



    I usually just give one piece each. I figure with all the places that they go plus the big junction trick or treats they would have plenty. Plus we don’t get very many trick or treaters at our house. It will be interesting to see if it will change this year with new neighbors.



    Just a note, Junction trick or treat was last weekend, Halloween business trick or treating is Admiral and Westwood Village, both on the holidays page along with TONS more events for tomorrow night and beyond:

    We hardly ever get trick or treaters so if we do, they get two or three each. Tomorrow night we’ll be out covering Halloween happenings so we’ll probably do what we did last year, leave a bowl on the stoop … TR



    I wasn’t home last year for Halloween (my Mom was recovering from hip surgery) so I left the candy on the front steps and not only did they take all the candy but the cute container I had the treats in. So I guess the trick was on me.



    Sadly, we only get about a dozen or so. No one crosses north of Admiral. I’ve GOT to get the neighborhood up to snuff as a destination to get more kids here!



    We usually have TONS, but not tonight; think the retailers are taking the little kids and the older kids are at parties since it’s a Friday.



    I think they should just take one but they seem to grab as many as they can get!



    We have just been home a few minutes before going out for more Halloween coverage – and we had about 15 people in the span of 10 minutes! Shocking! Cumulatively, that’s more than we’ve had in the past three years combined. So we’re leaving again … but with the bowl of Costco-procured Tootsie pops on the steps :) – TR



    We have had 5 so far. My daughter is so disappointed!



    Tonight I had my first trick from a trick-or-treater. A couple of girls holding pizza boxes came up to my door asking if I had ordered a pizza. Trick or Treat!



    We’ve had more ToTers than usual, almost 30 of them. Maybe word about the King Size Bars is getting out.



    I was giving two pieces but that was over 30 kids ago. i might have to start giving out mustard packets or hot sauce packets from my condiment stash;)



    We had leftovers for the first time this year. The Admiral bash was huge, so I suspect it siphoned off much of the demand. I literally couldn’t find parking at Bartell’s or Metropolitan around 3:45 because the lot was full of trick or treatsters and their drivers. Obviously a great idea (and it was still light enugh to see what they were wearing.) The adults had much better costumes this year than most…creativity in lieu of money?

    Anyway, feel free to drop by for candy :-)



    Wow, things are not what they were when I participated in trick-or-treating (as a recipient, I’ve never given out candy). You actually let them pick nowadays? Dudes, that’s messing with my head!

    That said, I told DH when I got home, after I had to walk past our house and go around the block to sneak through the alley to get into the house (he thoughtfully left the light on for me, and the billions of goblins coming to our no-response door, lol) that we should just suck it up and get some candy next year…but we probably won’t.

    Anyone else feel like a skulky scrooge when it comes to this? :)



    i have too much candy and very few trick or treaters…

    any ideas about what to do with 3/4 of a popcorn tub full of candy?



    Donate to the Obama Campaign volunteers! I have a note into their office to see when I can swing by with snacks and drinks for them – care to add candy?



    Have hubby take it to work — leave it in the community kitchen of another group. Geeks will eat anything :-) I mean Diet Mountain Dew ????


    Participant it for Tuesday evneing…I’ll need a sugar high.

    So…it’s 10;19pm on Halloween night…and I just saw my first Christmas commercial…arrgghhhh !



    The aforementioned bowl of Tootsie Pops was empty when JMoT and I came back home .. wow.



    You just never can tell, I guess. Last year we had one trick-or-treater, this year we went through 3 bags of candy! Just as well, since that means I won’t end up eating them all…



    We went through about 2 1/2 bags. Several car fulls of kids here, guess this is a desirable hood with all our lights and local scary house.




    great idea.

    email me at joanne at brayden dot org

    i will be glad to have it out of the house.. and love the idea of donating it to a good cause.



    I gave out full size Skittles and Starburst (kids like them, I don’t, therefore candy doesn’t get eaten before Halloween). For the smallest fry I made gift bags with mini Playdoh cans and Cheddar Goldfish crackers.

    I dropped my leftovers off at the foodbank donation bin at Metropolitan Market. As I lifted the lid I noticed that I wasn’t the first one with that idea.

    Nice that the rain stopped for the prime trick or treat hours last night.



    Here’s another (and some may find this disturbing) way to use that left over Halloween candy. Recipes for cakes, pies, brownies, stuffed apples! And who could resist Kitty Litter Cake? Or Candy Bar salad? You can even read how to deep fry your candy bars. No need to wait for the “Puyallup Fair” to come around.

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