Candidate question

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    I’m trying to compile a list of local candidates and where they stood regarding the fight to keep the Sonics here.

    I know this may seem frivolous to some, but it’s important to me.

    Nick Licata is running again. He of the infamous quote on the Sonics: “On an economic basis, near zero. On a cultural basis, close to zero. We would still have two sports, and plenty of cities our size don’t have three.”

    I will, of course, be measuring other factors on our candidates before I vote, but I was hoping that someone could point me the way to some information or provide some if known.

    It may seem strange, but, “What did you do to keep the Sonics here?”, is an important question for me this political season.



    They may not have that info on their web sites. I would try contacting them each to ask them. We will be embarking on a series of City Council candidate profiles and certainly can do our best to include that question – I have only interviewed one candidate so far and I will admit that’s not among the subjects we talked about.

    If you don’t mind elaborating, though, why is this issue important to you? Seemed like relatively few people, ultimately, were disturbed by their departure, or at least that’s what I recall from having been involved in coverage at the citywide level before focusing completely on WSB.



    I bet KJR would have your answers too –



    As a tax payer, I’m not upset the Sonics are gone. Aren’t we STILL paying for the LAST upgrade to Key Arena, and they wanted ANOTHER improvement that was “worthy” of their lack luster playing!?! I respect and support Nick Licata and don’t mind that he didn’t waste time trying to keep the Sonics in Seattle!


    Lucile 2

    I may register to vote just to vote some of these politicians out of office, and those who voted for the bailout (so I am basically registering to vote just to vote for the challengers–sham!). I cannot believe we got stuck with the Mariners and Seahawks, and the Sonics are gone. Maybe taxes shouldn’t go toward any sports teams/venues. We are already taxed to death. Maybe I don’t know how that whole taxes worked out with Safeco and Qwest, but I still think they are a huge waste of money.


    Lucile 2

    phatpay: Check out Maybe they can help out.



    Here is another great site, run by Brian Robinson, who orchestrated most of the efforts to keep the NBA in Seattle:

    Seattle Center as a whole has become a poor reflection of city spending. But the payoff of the new ownership group has retired the remainging debt that the remodel incurred (thanks Traitor Greg), so you don’t need to worry about tax money being wasted there. I don’t have exact figures, but where you are taxed are restaraunts, hotels, car rentals and addmision ticket tax. So other than eating out, its tourism dollars that fund most of these projects, but the taxpayers pony up the operating capital to get the ball moving.

    You can complain about the league being overpaid, spoiled, lying bags of crap (David Stern) and so on. But to say the taxpayers hold the bag for the Sonics haven’t been to a concert, ice show, circus, or other event to see that The Key is in need of updating that could make the arena a very profitable and enjoyable venue for the city and many other guests. And would provide an upgrade to the Center which was at one time a tourist attraction of high regard. It is now becoming a sad, run down place threatened to be overun by developers who will change the landscape of a nice, green park and entertainment center. One only needs to look at the early payoffs of Safeco to see that a publicly funded facility can be constructed and return a positve investment to the community. There was a time not so long ago the Sonics owned this town and gave it an aura of excitement in the Air(ness).

    If you feel a “relatively few poeple” were upset the team left, I think you would be quite mistaken, and would find that thousands of fans still exist who are disappointed a brand of entertainment has left the city. Another payoff was the charitable contributions that Sonic players, and other Seattle born NBA players have returned to the city (Brandon Roy, Jamal Crawford, Nate Robinson to name a few who have donated thousands). Anything that lived and breathed for 40 years certainly captivated a large piece of the population during that time, and I will give it a consideration come voting time (Chopper, Gregoire, McCheese). I wasn’t the biggest Sonic fan, but I will miss watching the games with my kids as they grow up.

    My tax dollars are spent in vast areas that I may have little or no interest in either, but if the Symphony, Museum or other cultural center needed my tax attention or face expiration, I would be disappointed to see them shipped off, even if I have never attended them.

    You can say that we are overtaxed, and we are. But its not the sporting teams that are breaking the bank. Its the politicians we vote for.




    Thanks for all the responses!

    To lowmanbeach:

    A number of reasons it interests me, but here’s my top 3:

    1. I’m a sports fan, and I just don’t think it was a wise decision, economically or culturally to let them leave with such an apathetic political effort.

    2. It personally effected my income this year.

    3. I plan on actively campaigning for pro NBA candidates, or those that fought to keep the Sonics regardless of political affiliation (unless they’re just crazy). This area, home to the highest educated populace in the U.S., has a very interesting political landscape. A lot of talk, and “studies”, but they constantly shoot themselves in the foot. For me, this is as good a place as any to begin whittling down candidates I can get behind.

    To GenHillOne:

    Ya, I should drop Groz and Gas a line.

    I have a connection to Kevin Calabro (former Sonics play by play now with 710 espn radio) and will be expressing my sentiments with him on the air soon.

    To Garden_nymph:

    There’s more to it than what your espousing.

    As for Mr. Licata, it upset me that his approach to the situation was condescending, derisive and, most of all, arrogant. As a politician, to blatantly disregard tens of thousands of Sonics fans enjoying their “culture” and throwing their economic weight around Seattle Center has him due for a ballot reproach, if you will.

    To Lucille 2:

    I’m not sure about Qwest, but Safeco is a giant success. Paid off it’s bonds years ahead of schedule. I’ve tried to get some info from Save Our Sonics before, to no avail. I think their site is defunct now. Still up, but not active.

    To mrhineh:

    Excellent post!

    Most of the “omg more taxes!” is just a lack of understanding how the taxes are enacted.

    It is truly sad how dilapidated that area has become.

    For those that understandably have little sympathy for a bunch of rich people trying to get richer and sticking us with the bill, it’s not that simple.

    The Sonics had the worse stadium lease arrangement in the entire NBA. That’s where a lot of the contention between the parties stemmed from. Particularly from former owner Howard Schulz (I’ll never drink another cup of his coffee in my life. It’s bad anyways.).

    Like you, I’m not a huge NBA fan, but I had an affection for the Sonics that transpired the current Stern led sports league. I remember growing up imitating Jack Sikma’s awkward over the head shot. Every long distance shot was punctuated with a, “Downtown Freddy Brown!”.

    Now I can’t take my daughter to see the Sonics. I can’t point to the rafters at that 1979 world championship banner that played a part in the culture of my youth. I think that’s a bit sad.

    As for Frank Chopp?

    He ran unopposed.

    I think that’s a bit sad as well.


    Lucile 2

    @mrhineah: great post! I don’t really know how these taxes work, the whole Qwest thing happened when I was living out of state. I guess I really don’t care much about the Mariners and Seahawks. I was a die hard Sonics fan, so I look at it emotionally! Yes, great point about the symphony, museums, etc. I wouldn’t want those shipped off either!

    phatpay: I go to Tully’s now, if I can’t find an indy place. It’s way better::)

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