Democrat(ic)s booing god? Ruh roh!

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    I don’t think anybody will be talking about that after Bill Clinton’s speech tonight.



    I don’t care enough to boo your imaginary friend. It’s his professional con men that do the damage.



    I bet the MSM follows the Fox lead.. they have to. Fox dominates the news cycle and if that is what they focus on, and if it is drilled over and over again.. it will be the highlight of the convention. Perfect… we knew we would never get the committed.. we are blue dog democrat and independent hunting… I think we just found them! Smitty.. the whole convention was worth just that! Gosh, I watched Pelosi.. who ever thought spar varnish could do so much!



    “…if that is what they focus on, and if it is drilled over and over again…”

    Ah, the smell of desperation…your candidate has nothin’, the RNC convention was a flop (thanks Clint), Big Dog and Michelle knock it out of the park, and you think a minor platform screw-up will overshadow all that if only your propaganda network can drill it over and over…the flop sweat is startin’ to drip.

    Let’s see if they can even make it last 24 hours.



    Dobro, what part was a “screw-up” in your mind?

    The fact that God was omitted?

    Or adding God back into their party platform?

    Or showing the world where they really stand in regard to religious bigotry?

    Like Kootch said, we aren’t looking for the people like you who will vote for Obama no matter what. We are looking for the ones who were fooled 4 years ago, and now they are starting to see the cracks in the facade. This was a huge crack and it showed a lot more than a poll-tested teleprompter-delivered speech ever could.



    funny when you never look at facts how distorted your view can become. Try reading this to get an idea of what actually happened…

    And, speaking of the old teleprompter baloney, did you notice that Clinton improvised about 2 3rds of his speech and had the audience in the palm of his hand for 48 minutes. What Republican politician working today has the skills to do that?

    PS the screw up was the way the chairperson handled the voting on the platform issues. A technical issue. Kind of analogeous to the way the Repubs shut down the Ron Paulites at the RNC. Didn’t that bug you that they wouldn’t let him speak or have his name placed in nomination so his delegates could have their say?



    why is everyone so damned fired up about whether the word ‘god’ is in the platform or not? why does it matter?



    Okay, I re-read the Seattle PI’s article…and? No new news there, except it tells me that if the PI picked it up, then your dream of a 24 hour life to this story is wrong.

    And your Ron Paul analogy doesn’t work because we are not split 50/50 over Ron Paul, like your side is split 50/50 over pretending to care about religious freedom.

    “Shhhh guys, don’t you get it? We are trying to show that we are are tolerant here while the cameras are rolling! Just let us get past this little technical issue and you can go back to calling religious people stupid all you want!”



    Check back in 48 hours (after Obama completes the trifecta) and see if any one besides Fox propaganda is interested.

    PS once again, what Repub pol working today has the skills to do what Bill Clinton just did?



    And your Ron Paul analogy doesn’t work because we are not split 50/50 over Ron Paul, like your side is split 50/50 over pretending to care about religious freedom.

    JV, you are a practitioner of the ann coulter tactic of just making [expletive deleted] up.

    just because i don’t believe in god and don’t want religion to have anything to do with government – or government to control religion – doesn’t mean i don’t respect your right to waste your own time on sunday mornings.

    now excuse me while i crawl behind this sneeze guard – to stop all of the froth and spittle from kootch.

    smitty: i see you’rw still having trouble with the concept of adjectives and nouns when it comes to describing the party of jefferson and its members. that’s a shame. some remedial english lessons might help.



    Can anyone explain to me why god should be in either party platform if the individual religious freedom that separation of church and state is supposed to provide is actually one of our bedrock principles?

    I personally believe that the problem is not leaving God out of politics.. but putting God in.

    As a Christian, i can agree with at least part of Ken’s statement… I have too much faith to consider God imaginary… but am equally appalled by the Con Men who talk politics in God’s name… and right now that includes too many so called men of faith.



    Redblack, I’m making sh!t up? Did you watch the video of HALF the Dims rejecting it? I’m not speaking for you, I’m speaking for the other 50% who got cheated out of their angry, anti-God, anti-Israel platform. They’re either too dumb to even pretend, or they are emboldened being around like-minded haters! Take it up with them…but next time do it off camera so your side doesn’t embarrass itself!



    JoB, we have freedom OF religion, not freedom FROM religion. Something our country was based on. No? Nothing? Doesn’t ring a bell?

    The generic word God in the platform (not Jesus, Allah, or Vishnu) demonstrates that all beliefs are protected in America.

    It’s such boilerplate language that has been in there for so long, the real question is why did the DNC remove it???

    I guess that’s what some call “progress” these days.



    The crowd was clearly split – as evidenced in the chairmans stunned reaction and (after three times) declaring a 2/3 majority.

    If they don’t want God and Jerusalem in the platform GREAT. Own it.

    From what I understand Barack Obama (Democratic-IL) forced it in. We shall see if Matt gives it more than 5 seconds this morning (lots of swing voters watch the morning shows, so probably not).




    Matt couldn’t squeeze it in.




    Wow. What a surprise.



    that settles it

    god is voting republican







    Oh, watch out there, big fella.

    Ken’s got a baseball bat.



    If the liberal media won’t report it (could you IMAGINE if this happened at the R convention?) then just buy ads.

    The first of many, I am sure that will be playing in a swing state near you…..



    You can tell the Repubs got nothin’ when they try to make hay out of something like this. Kind of like when they based the theme of their entire convention on a lying reconstruction of an Obama statement, making it say something he never said. It doesn’t get much weaker.



    Or, you could tie an entire party to the idiotic statements of one idiotic senator. At least the media played along with that one for a week or so.

    I am with you – laser beam on the economy would be my advice – BUT in the cases where the margin is 1 or 2% – this might help by showing religious democrats just how much contempt there is for their beliefs.



    You didn’t build that! Was perfect for Obama.

    It’s better than SloJoe’s slogan,

    “They’re gunna put y’all back in chains!”

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