Seems that the small parks along Beach Drive up to the Lighthouse don’t seem to get much attention from the Seattle Parks Dept. Even when they do show up to do some mowing or weeding they seem to leave it in worse condition than it was.
6 weeks ago they cleaned out underbrush along the promenade park area from 63rd Ave SW to the west on Beach Drive. I guess they didn’t understand that the wild roses that have grown there for years required little maintenance and were drought resistant. They removed most of the wild roses and left dead grass and a 4’ high by 3’ circumference patch of blackberries. Further along they continue to allow weeds to flourish overrunning the sidewalk. Edging is apparently not in the Parks maintenance books on how to beautify a neighborhood.
A stack of underbrush has sat undisturbed for 4 weeks. Watering or rather lack of it, has created a combustable source of fuel.
The person that is in charge of overseeing this area has an office in Lincoln Park, but no phone number or email to contact her. Anyone know how to produce a little more competence in these employees to have some pride in their finished product?
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