Are you missing a dog?

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    Since about 8:30 or 9:00 this a.m., there’s been a white dog with black speckled patches (saddle patch on back), kind of built like a German Shepherd only a little smaller, big bushy tail, pointy ears, collar, running around the Stevens/45th area. He won’t come when people call, so no one can check his collar and call his people.



    I saw this on the Beach Drive Blog about a missing husky. Think there could be a connection?



    It does look like it could be a Husky cross. It seems to be in pretty good spirits for a dog who’s been running around overnight, though. Although I suppose Huskies are bred for this. Hmm. I posted a comment on the Beach Drive blog.



    Description sounded exactly like my neighbor’s dog, but I checked with them and their lucky guy is home on the couch.



    This guy or gal is still out and about, although now running up to people instead of running away. I think I’ll bundle up and go out with a treat and see if I can get info off the collar.



    LJK: It might be a good idea to bring him/her inside if you can. It’s getting cold again. When she’s back from her rounds as a pet-sitter, maybe Mellaw will know who he is. She knows a lot of the dogs in the area, it seems.



    OK, got the license # and talked to the owner–the dog normally lives in Highland Park, but was in a yard up here with a short fence and got out. She’s extremely skittish, so I wasn’t able to put her back in the yard or get a leash on her (even with bribes), but as it’s gotten dark, she seems to want to hang out on the front porch of the house she escaped from, so hopefully she’ll stay put until her people get back.



    thank goodness! Thanks for being a good neighbor LJK. I would be worried sick if either of my babies got out, especially in this weather! Lets hope that it all works out!



    You rock LJK – I also live in HP, so if you need help in the next hour or so, give a holler.

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