Home Forums Open Discussion A RAVE FOR "ORGANICPLEASE"

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    After going to a non-profit sale yesterday and spending lots of money I went here today because of the comments on another post. I spent a lot here too. This sale has many things not available at other places at very reasonable prices. The proprietor is a lovely person who is a back yard gardener sharing her bounty. Yeh for her and the rest of us.




    Just wondering where Organic Please is, what she offers and when she is open.

    thanks! Wren



    Tomato plants,peppers, cucumbers, basil, peas,squash,Japanese maples, bamboo, large astibes,

    arisaemas, large selection of hostas, ferns,lots of other annuals and perennials.

    7319 19th Ave. SW 98106

    turn east on 21st SW off Delridge Way

    On hairpin turn stop and head left up steep hill to the top. Turn left on 19th SW. 2/3 down dead end street on your left.



    Yes, she was amazing! Her plants are so inexpensive and hearty! We really enjoyed meeting her and are thrilled to support her, and we will continue to do so. The other post made me sad (the accusation of a violation) and I hope that she did well this weekend since a part of her “profits” does go to neutering/spaying stray cats that come into her life via the greenbelt. We thought she was awesome.


    2 Much Whine

    This deserves a bump to counteract a bit of negative press that doesn’t seem to be deserved.

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