Yes Obama and Clinton are very similar on many issues. I chose to support Obama after going to the Caucus and hearing about *both*canidates. However, after I left the caucus, I realized just how different the canidates were. Some things that Clinton did in regards to the management or mismanagement of her campaign made me more and more assured that my vote for Obama was the right one to make. I did not support Hillary becuae of things that were brought up in my Caucus and her actions afterwards. Actually the only time I put McCain and HIllary in the same catagory was the gas tax which she was. And you are right I am not a Democrat I am an Independent i think it is silly to have to pledge teh loyalty to one party or another i think that it should be that the best canidate would win.
Yes, i plan to campaign for Obama. However, I will make my argument once maybe twice to soemone and then move on if they aren’t budging and find one or two new individuals to go after. You learn that in sales…to be exact what my manager says is “weed out the unprofitable prospects” and “increase the size of your funnel”…some Clinton supporters that are dead set that they were wronged will be those “unprofitable prospects” so my campaign tme for Obama will be better spent “increasing my funnel”