Re: X-Box



You might check used/refurbished systems at GameStop. Used Xbox 360s can be risky as the first couple of years of production runs were plagued by what is known as “Red Ring of Death” where the internal electronic components of the system basically melt due to inadequate ventilation. Microsoft lost a lot of money extending the warranty on that issue. So you may want to stick to the newer black “slim” Xbox 360 model rather than the older white ones to be on the safe side. I have two friends who have had their consoles since the launch year both die in the last 6 months. I would hate for you to get such an awesome gift for your son (wish my mom upgraded my Nintendo that I had for 15 years) and have it clunk out too soon. Also keep in mind the Xbox One comes out in November so there will be lots of deals as the hard-core crowd trade in their Xbox 360 for Xbox One and Play Station 4.