Re: Word Up! Skylark Monday Scrabble Tournaments for Local Charities!


Participant Nyet.

Scrabble has regional and national competitions where rules are clearly spelled out. And the official Scrabble rules are acceptable words as found and defined in the Official Scrabble Dictionary [of American English]. (in America)

I know this because lo many years ago I decided to compete in a regional Scrabble competition. I had my asskinsky handed to me on a silver platter without due consideration or apology.

Scrabble competitions are cutthroat. If you are not rabidly competitive and haven’t memorized the entire Scrabble Dictionary of American English page by page, you don’t have a prayer in hell in a real Scrabble competition.

However I can beat everyone in the family handily. Nobody in my house will play Scrabble with me anymore.