Re: Who said it?


Hello JoB. I find your posts extremely interesting. Sometimes you seem of two minds. Very interesting. I had a wonderful response and then I hit a link provided by JT and blew it all out. When will I ever learn.

Mr. Wright’s church can and should do whatever it wants. They can say and do what they want and I want them to, but I sure don’t have to agree with some of it.

Mr. Obama should be commended for his religious belief. That was never in question in my mind nor was it stated in a derogatory way. What is questioned is some of Reverend Wright’s message that he preached. Getting people to band together for good is wonderful. Gathering in fellowship to ease pain and suffering is fantastic. Letting people know they are not alone is healing. Taking control of your situation with your fellow Christians is empowering. But, blaming people for your misfortune is not a good path to harp on nor is it productive. Differences can be pointed out. There is no harm in that, usually. I think Mr. Obama transcends some of that message. I also think he is a politician.

Mr. Obama’s spiritual advisor is a leader to many. In some way he has made a difference in the man’s life.

Now, tell me how John McCain uses churches for political gain? Even JT’s article showed that his pro-life stance was at odds with his decision on embryonic stem cell research. (I had to get that in since, that was the article that blew out my better post!)

Labels, I just acquired my new Brother Label Maker. Rich Wife! Cindy! Why Yes she is. Is that a problem? Beer distributorships are very lucrative at times. Hey lets call a truce and have a Kegger!! Cindy and John can pay for it.

Patronage is a part of both political parties. The founding of the Democratic party used patronage to get people in positions of power and to not have to deal with slavery. Patronage, why yes it happens. Republicans are guilty as charged. Some might call it networking.

I believe more than any other candidates in recent memory that these two men are better than most of their predecessors. We know John McCain was tortured to the point that he wanted to commit suicide. He could have left his imprisonment early but didn’t. He is a man of integrity and leads a solid life. I also had a roommate with a somewhat similar background as Mr. Obama. The racial pain was devastating at times. I respect these individuals.

I will also make fun of them and the process at times. I think they can take it. I wonder if some of you can take it. I don’t mind being wrong once in awhile, but at least I will admit it , well usually :)

A person running for public office must be a bit of a lunatic. I mean really, why go through the hassle. But the reality of it is these guys seem to think they can make a difference. Good.

Back to business. About Mr. McCain getting into politics, could not the same thing be generally said about Mrs. Clinton in New York. You are right labels can be silly but then again sometimes they are needed to point out certain items.

I don’t agree that Obama is a centrist. If he is then that is a very wide group that would include a ton of Republicans too. Not Conservatives mind you. We are just better and richer than you. Isn’t that what you expect to hear? Not True, well maybe true sometimes. Well, you pick. I don’t feel like offending anyone at the moment.

But if Obama is centrist then let me be far right. We disagree. McCain has said that he was a Goldwater Conservative, but he is not. McCain does have a fairly conservative voting record. McCain and Giuliani were more moderate than most of our other choices for the Republican Nominee. I wouldn’t call McCain a Centrist either.

After pondering a moment I bet both men have some centrist tendencies. HHMMMM. But there are stark differences. I like John.

JT. You’ve been naughty. Nobody escapes the Spanish Inquisition. Give him the comfy Chair!!! HA HA HA HA.

Chill Dude (not knowing your orientation “Dude” has become a term for males and females.) I think Dude might have come from the russian word Dudeshka (meaning Grandfather). I’m guessing. I think I shall look up its etymology. Hmm, Fastidious Man originally in New York in the 1800’s. I like my version better. Revisionist History! Oh you got me!!! Sorry.

I didn’t like what you said in your post, but I found it interesting and thought provoking. That’s the beauty isn’t it. I don’t dislike you for posting it.

The nice thing about this country is that you can choose or not choose to go to whatever institution you want. Unless your a criminal and get tossed in the big house. You are exercising your right to point out the weakness of individuals or churches that you disagree with. OK. Do it. Will it be productive? That is for each of us to decide, isn’t it. I see Pastor Leskovar puta his two cents in with the West Seattle Herald, there is no reason peoples of opposing view shouldn’t either.

I find it interesting, and sometimes sad, when people go GOTCHA! when somebody fails to live up to the principles that they feel or others feel they should. So, the person was human. Yes, they are hyprocites sometimes. They are weak. I know I have been. I have been guilty of saying GOTCHA too, and try to do better next time.

Reverend Wright beleives in what he preaches. Good for him. Good for most of us. Diversity of opinion. Amen Brother, can I have a Halelluah. You notice when he went on his speaking tour he did not change his story. That takes guts. I have to respect him for that. Although disagree with some of his sermons, the man was not a sell out. Others in my party might differ.

I do not want all of us to be in the same mold or mindset (but you should be a conservative. No. well I tried). We should be able to agree or disagree, but to make it in a condescending way isn’t … well. . . very Christian. Thank GOD we can be forgiven. Or if you don’t believe in God it shouldn’t matter what any religious topic is. I do wish a few more people in West Seattle had my mindset but then they would be unhappy urchins living off the dregs of society.

So, bottom line. I respect your initiative to post. I may disagree with what you have to say, but you have every right to put forth your opinion.

My opinion is that Obama is left of center with some aspects in socialist tendencies. His relationships favor current democratic philosophy more so than republican dogma, I mean philosophy.

His voting record is very liberal and I believe that reflects his life experience and views. I do however, get concerned that he expressed opinions that the Warren court did not do enough to change the power of the constitution. That my friends wreaks of not accepting the forefathers proposal of limited government. FDR started thinking that way too. Fortunately calmer minds prevailed. I stand by what I say. Thank You for your time. See you at the Keggar. Hey my label maker still works. Seattlites your designated driver will be Mr. Barry Obama. The rest of the state your driver will be John McCain. Please be safe.

The following message was meant to be slightly flippant and somewhat serious. Please make any complaints to the OWL Party in Tacoma.