When your toes begin to web together.
When you think of hoodies as a fashion.
When you refer to the constant rain as “liquid sunshine”.
When you declare your love for moss and algae because they’re ‘green’.
When you take your dog into bars and supermarkets and pay to send them off to doggie daycare.
When you spend on a $30,000 Toyota Prius to *save money* on gas.
When you agonize over whether to throw banana peels into the nature dumpster or the trash can.
When you are stuck at home without a paycheck for 2 weeks in the winter because the roads cannot be salted to protect the saltwater fish.
When you duck in the bushes behind the bus shelter for safety because somebody walked down the sidewalk smoking a cigarette. (seen it)
When you call 911 because someone at Morgan Junction is standing around with a Hefty bag (posted here).
When you pay 5 bucks for a frapuccino latte del queso and sit around alone in a coffee shop glued to your wifi thinking you live the high life.
When you think it’s ok to pass a law criminalizing “annoying the wildlife” in CITY parks.
When a bus stop and nearby gas station are considered urban amenities.
More. That’s just off the top of my head at the moment.